chapter 1: Caught my eyes

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Author's POV
Zee had been stuck in traffic from last 30 minutes. He always left his home at same time still make it to work an hour early. But due to car accident on road, there's alot of traffic jam and now he is stuck in it.

Foei:Sir, I'm sure we'll make it to office on time (he said nervously).

Zee looked at Foei through rear view mirror with expressionless cold face. He really can't blame his secretry for not getting on their usual time.

Zee:hmm... (He replied looking out of the car window )

People were bustling outside already it's 7:00 Am. All heading to either work may be Or jogging. He never really notice much due to his preserved and workaholic nature. The car was stopped in front of Bells (a cafe which has a flower shop inside it too) . This cafe seems to be popular as too many people are there at evening when Zee return from his office .

Foei knocked the glass on window, "when did he got out of car " Zee thought.

"What is it Foei"? As he put down the power window of his car.

Foei: Sir I've just confirmed that it's gonna take take another 30-45 minutes to clear the traffic, do you want to grab breakfast at the cafe while waiting?

Zee(mind) : My secretry is very reliable when it come to things like this. He must be hungry as well. "Hmm okey" Zee replied.

Zee's POVI entered in cafe I heard a sweet bell sound because of little bell fixed at top of door frame to notify the presence

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Zee's POV
I entered in cafe I heard a sweet bell sound because of little bell fixed at top of door frame to notify the presence.

As I entered in the cafe amazing fragrance of flowers filled my nostrils I moved forward and saw the environment of cafe which was so refreshing , there are alot of indoor plants and to many flowers

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As I entered in the cafe amazing fragrance of flowers filled my nostrils I moved forward and saw the environment of cafe which was so refreshing , there are alot of indoor plants and to many flowers. I took my seat along with Fori. A Small framed brown haired boy greeted me gently and asked me about my order as menu card was already laying on the table "Welcome Sir I'm Nat can I take your order please" .
I ordered a black coffee with veg sandwich as I'm really not a fan of sweet taste and Foei ordered a red tea with a pineapple pastry. After Nat put our order on the table and left I took my cup of coffee and took a sip my gaze was still exploring the cafe untill something caught my eye, my gaze landed on Supar beautiful boy who was wearing a light pink sweatshirt and was arranging the flowers He really has an angelic presence, His skin is like a newborn baby ,milky white porcelain skin with pink tint, Pink plump squishy lips, peach red chubby cheeks, big doe eyes ,shiny hairs,  a small frame of body with a bright smile on his face,He looked young . "So beautiful"  My heart said.In my life I haven't seen anything which is more beautiful than him . I'm really guilty for myself for not coming here before even though I pass from this way regularly. He is like a sun ☀️ whose light is so powerful making my heart flutter I was lost in his beauty . "Sir can you please sigh here I have to make a complete entry "  I didn't noticed when Nat came here with bill and notebook where he wanted my signature When Nat called me I came back in senses and I took out my Aurora pen to sign it and put the money and tip in the bill file , and my eyes started to find that little one but he seem to no where when Foei said "Sir I have checked traffic is much clear now, Then I realized I already spent 30 minutes and not even fished my complete meal so I finished my meal . I was ready to leave and my hand on was on the door knob to open when suddenly I heard a soft melodies voice " Excuse me Sir"  I turned around to see the source which gave me the view which I wanted " A very good morning Sir "  That little angel was standing just in front of me with yellow flowers in hands which are a way less beautiful than him greeting me with his angelic melodious voice "Sir you're our first costomers today so please take these flowers"  He has a bright smile on his to which no one resist, then who the hell I'm to refuse, he moved his hand forward to handover the flower Foei took his flowers now That's boy's gaze was now on me as I was standing still, His gaze was making my heart skip beat and I took the flowers from his hands, his hands were so small,looked so soft , he was really like a baby I really wanted to hold his hands so bad but I can't, I sigh and tuned my back to leave " Have a nice Sir" . I heard his soft angelic voice before leaving which was wishing me to have a nice day.

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