Special Chapter 1: Do Zee really Love Nu

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It's been 2 months since Zee and are living together. But sleep in different rooms as Nu is still not ready, so Zee is respecting that. And they are still best friends they work together in kichen ane share everything. They play together too sometimes like kids.

Nu was so happy, he was lively and now he smiles from his heart. He still works in Bells as he like to work there so Zee didn't forced him to leave. Zee helps in his college work and sometimes visit to bells when he is free he helps there too. They were so happy together. Nu was feeling like a dream a beautiful dream which he always wanted to live and now he was living in it.

One night Zee was late as he had an important meeting which was successfully finalized . Zee was so happy as nu opened the door Zee pincked nu.

Nu: Hia khub

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Nu: Hia khub.... What happened... (He asked giggling).

Zee: Nu..nu...nu...I'm so sooo happy today I got a huge deal. You're so lucky for me baby. You know what I was trying for that project deal from last 3 years but today.... I got it...

He put nu down and kissed nu's nose making him shy and hugged him so tight. Nu hugged back as he was happy too.

Zee: Hey what about you if I remember today is day of you semester result declaration , right?

Nu: Umm.....

He made sad face. Zee frowned and cupped his face.

Zee: What happened baby kitten.

Nu reach to the table near couch and picked his report card of the semester and sighed. He then walked to Zee and opened report card and turned it towards Zee. As Zee saw Nu gave a big bright smile. He hugged Zee so tight.

Nu: I got 91.6% Mr arrogant. You are so luckey for me too. I never scored this much.

They were so happy.

Zee:you scared me little devil. But it's wasn't just luck sweetie it's your hardwork.(Pinched his nose).Let's celebrate. Let's go out for dinner.

Nu: Same for you  too. You also worked hard. (Nu kissed zee's cheeks)

 (Nu kissed zee's cheeks)

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