chapter 6 : I hate you zee..... but I love you ❤

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Warning: sexual assault, bad language, 18+.

Authors POV
It's been a week since nu left zee's house. He doesn't feel good still he is forcing himself to not to talk zee much. Because he can feel that his feelings are flowing. He wants to meet zee , be with him.But he is still avoiding his own feelings. Now he is focusing on his part time job and studies as well. Actually nu lied about one thing, he is living in his boyfriend's dorm not in a rented dorm near him.

Nu was cooking breakfast it was just 6am.After doing the kitchen he vacuumed the cleaned it mopped and then showed and got ready for Cafe while his boyfriend was still gold by selling horses. He didn't woken up and nu didn't wake him too.

Nu went to Carl's bedroom and told him that he was leaving.

Nu: Babe I'm going for work. Breakfast is in kitchen.

Nu thought carl is looking cute while sleeping so cressed his cheek but nu's hands was cold and wet which make carl wake up.

Nu: good morning babe..

Carl sit up angry and pushed nu.

Carl: Are you an idiot, why do touched me with your wet hands. You disturbed my sleep.

Nu felt so bad he started crying and stormed out crying.

Carl: This emotional fool is just.... So annoying.

In afternoon....

Carl was smoking with his goon friends.

Guy1: Hery Carl why are you so streesed buddy?

Carl: because I'm  not getting what I want.

Guy2: what is it? ( he said smirking).

Carl: you know my boyfriend.

Guy1:ooh ya that "beautiful, fragile problem."

Guy2: What happened, did he left you? (He said laughing)

Carl: Shut the fuck up! He'll never leaves. He loves me alot.

Both guys hooted on this.

Guy1: so what's problem. I mean that babydoll cooks for you, earns for you and serves his beautiful..... Woooo

Carl: that's my problem...


Carl: He do everything but he doesn't do what I want the most.

They both saw Carl in confusion.

Carl: I want to play with his fragile soft boy, I want fuck him so hard, I want to see him screaming like crazy, I want suck him. (He said while licking his whole lips with his tounge in a filthy). Trust me i saw him once when he just came out after bath, o gosh his body looked so fucking hot those nipples mahhh(he said making filty kissing sounds) those crimson red nipples, his cheast....

After listening these comments those guys were slavering like hungry wolfs.

Guy1:Gosh can't you share him with us . I had saw him I can imagine how good he can be (he said sallowing saliva like he is starving)

Carl: Fuck you guys. I didn't even got to taste him. I'm his boyfriend so that's my right to take his virginity (he said smirking) then I can.... May be (he signaled like he'll share him with them after that).

Guy2: then we all three can taste him. (He said laughing).

Guy1: but you said he is virgin means you still didn't..

Carl: Because he doesn't let me touch him.

Guy2: why?

Carl: that emotional fool want imotions. He is not ready ,he said he won't do anything until I marry him. ( he said making annoyed disgusting face).

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