Chapter 4: A little bit Close

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Nu: Mr CEO....
Zee: You're beautiful... So... Beautiful.

Nu blushed from his comment. Suddenly Zee came near while nu was going backwards but Zee grabbed his waist and pulled him leaving no gap between them.

Zee saw nu's beautiful, nu was looking so shy, Zee lean face and kissed his forehead then gently trailed his nose down to his cheek and kissed his cheek then nose,chin while his one hand was on nu's nape and other was waist. Zee trailed his lips till he reach nu's crook. Nu's sweet scent was making him drunk. He kissed nu's neck and started sucking it making a hickey letting nu moan.

Nu: Aahhnn...hhhmmmaa ... Mr... Zee. (He moaned breathing heavily).

Nu clutched Zee's shirt while zee's hand was now going down to his butt. He pulled him more from his butt. Making nu gasp. Nu become weak from Zee's touch. Zee's started grinding himself with nu which make him(Zee) groan

Zee:ahhmm.... Kitty..

Zee squeezed nu's butt. " " Nu wasn't able to control his moans under zee's touch. Zee lean his lips to other side of neck and he again gave another hickey. Zee's was feeling like he having a soft plushee in his embrace, soft, smooth. Zee's was giving gentle squeeze all over nu's body. Nu hugged Zee and this time he also kissed zee's neck.Zee pulled from hug.They both were breathing heavily. Zee put his fingers on nu's chin.

Zee:Kitty... Let me see your beautiful face... (He make nu see him).

Zee's gaze was on nu's soft pink plum lips he smashed his lips ,unexpectedly nu's kissed him back trailing his (nu's) hands over zee's back. Nu was grinding himself with Zee too.Nu was pleasure from zee's touch.


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"mmhaakkaa..aa.." Moan escapsed from nu's mouth.They were out breath so Zee pulled to get some air . They both were panting. Zees saw nu's wet parted lips and he again covered his lips with his, he sucked his lower lips, nibbled it. Zee sqeezed nu's butt making his gasp. Zee got chance and he entered his tounge. They were lost in the kiss. Zee was devouring nu's mouth. He tasted whole mouth like it is sweetest thing in the world. Nu tried to push him as he was out of breath so Zee pulled from kiss.Nu hugged Zee with a smile on face ..

Zee:What happened? Is my kitty shy.... (He said in a husky voice with smiling face )

Nu: Ummm... ( he said shyly whinning).

Zee stoked his back head and kissed his side head while hugging him tightly.

Nu:Hey Mr. Arrogant CEO(He said waving his hand in front of zee's face.

Zee: huh..... (He said as he is back in real world this all was his imagination. )

(Author: Zee your intensions o gosh...😏 ).

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