Chapter 3 : My saviour

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Author's POV
Nu was really stunned from from zees this action. He didn't know why Zee is doing it but he already made his mind to do as Zee is saying.

Nu: Sir, Sir please get up. Ok I'll think about it but I need time and I want to know you first.

Zees standed up and says...

Zee: Thank you kitty for giving me chance.

Nu: Hey I told you I'm not kitty and who said I'm giving you a chance now. I said I'll think about it. (Nu smiled a bit).

Zee : Still thank you because it's not less than a chance to me.

Then Zee left the waving nu.

Nu: He's kinda cute (aahhhh..... Nu what the hell stop thinking like this he said in his mind).

Nat was watching this scene. He was looking really happy . He realized something and he ran out and saw Zee who was just getting in car.

Nat: Mr Zee Please stop for sec.

Zee tuned and Nat running towards him.

Zee: What happened, Nong.

Nat: Mr Zee I wanna tell you something about Nunew.

Zee: yeh, what is it.

Nat: Mr Zee Nunew is really a kind hearted and sensitive. Don't use him. Please don't hurt him I already saw him broken many times please don't break his heart.

Zee: (Frownded ) No nong why will I do it. And I assure you I'm not gonna break his heart I don't know what are his stuggles but I want know. I want to by his side, if I wouldn't than what do think why I get my knees,I never done this before for anyone.

Nat:Thank you Mr Zee, then let me tell you, he likes black shaded red roses the most, and in food he love sweets specially chocolates and he is really foodie so when's you want to make him happy you can just take him out for eating. (He said smiling).

Zee smiled..

Zee: Thank you so much nong for telling me this I promise I'll do my best to make your friend happy from heart.
I can see his pain from his eyes even though he always smiles. I'll make him smile from his heart.

Then Zee left.

Time skip.... (Evening)

Nunew reach at his front door when he saw some people were in house and owner was at door. He quickly aprroched to landlord.

Nu: Mr Deen what is this? (He frownded) .

Deen: you haven't paid your rent from last three months so I given this place to other people.

Nu:(panicking) but Mr Deen we just talked yesterday. Please don't do this to me where will I go this time . I'll arrange the money.

Deen: I'm sorry I can't do anything I can't tolerate any more. I'm giving 2 hours to pack you belongings these people gonna shift in 2 hours.

Nu: but.... Cutts off..

Deen : I'm not gonna hear anything and if you don't leave I'll call the police.

Nu was so panicked he tried to call his boyfriend but as always he didn't picked the phone. And masseged that he is busy. Landlord and those people left. Nu went inside the house and hopelessly started packing his belongings. Tears were streaming down to his beautiful cheeks.
After two hours landlord came .

Deen: Well you still have pay leftover rent.

Nu didn't said a single word he just nodded and left the place with one backpack and a big suitcase.

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