Chapter 2:My little kitty 🐱 be my best friend

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Authors POV

Nunew walked home and saw his landlord standing on his door. Nunew reached there.

Landlord:Nunew I'm tired already, you haven't given your rent from last three months.(He said in angry tone) , I can't tolarate anymore. Just pack you belongings now and leave this place immediately.

Nunew:Please don't this to me where I'll go. I have alot of dept that's why....

Landlord : I don't wanna hear anything that's your problem.

Nunew: No , please khub give a week I'll arrange money anyhow .

Landlord :ok but I'm giving just three days next I'll throw out your belongings.

Landlord left. Nunew sat on the door and started crying that how will arrenge money. He doesn't has a single penny even if max wouldn't helped him then he surly die with hunger. He calmed himself to think, he got up and opend door. He directly headed to his room and went to take bath.
After taking bath he directly layed on bed and was thinking...

Nunew: How will I manage money, I have pay the dept too otherwise I don't know what they're gonna do. Why my life is so tough. Mom dad I wish you were here with me.

As an audience we now can see behind a bright smile there is broken boy who is fighting from his life to survive in this cruel world.

Next day he got ready but he was  late today be he slept more.He went to cafe . As he entered he saw Zee who sitting on table taking sip of dark coffee with a plate of Red sauce pazta on the table (Author:🤤ok I'm hungry now).

Nunew suddenly rolled his when he saw Zee.

Nunew in mind:O gosh this man again, god do I have less problems already and you're doing this me that annoying man again. (Author: 😂complaining to God like every kid do in their teenage actually I still do sometimes 🤣) may be he quite handsome , dashing , hot (author :what the hell nu 🤣 do you hate or love him) but he is scary and wierd.
Why is he here.

Nat:Hey nu you're here alredy. (Reached him)

Nunew:Sorry na khub P' I accidentally slept late.

Nat:it's ok nu Nay patted his shoulder.
Actually a customer was asking for you. See.. There.... At that table. (Nat pointed towards Zee)

Nunew: Nunew make an annoyed face.

Nat :what happened nu ? Why are you making this face? Did he do something wrong to you?

Nunew:No phi he just..... Forget it I'll handle.

Nat: ok well,  can please take his order.

Nunew:haan....he has already odered.

Nat: ya but he said he'll accept your service only.

Nunew:What the hell.

Nat: (chukling) by the way he really so handsome and hot you can.....😁

Nunew:Phi you know I already have a boyfriend.

Nat:what about changing your boyfriend, I don't like him he is just a thug.

Nunew: phi don't say like this, j really love so much and he loves too. (Nunew said and left as he don't want to argue more)

Nat mind: when you'll see Carl's really nu he has already cheated on you alot of time, he even raise his hands on you, he don't love you nu, please open your eyes. God I wish this new man take Nunew out of this soffocating life.

(Author:Don't worry Nat I'm God's child and nu is also God's child  I'll give nu justice buddy😇).

New reached Zee table and annoyedly smiles..

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