Chapter 5:I'll miss you kitten🥺

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Zee held nu's wrist making nu stunned with his actions. He came close to nu. Their lips were some inches apart. Nu felt butterflies in his stomach. He closed his eyes tightly. He was too overwhelmed to think but then he felt zee's hands on his hair.

Zee: here, you can go now.

Zee showed a piece of tread which was trapped in nu's hair. And smiled.

Nu: Amm..thanks..

Then nu left for his college.

Time skip (at evening)...

Nu was on the way to zee's house as his belongings were there. He was really tired as he has already walked miles for searching a rented place for himself but didn't succeed as everyone wants advanced rent but nu don't even have  5$ in his pocket. He was really so upset.

Nu mind: Now what I should I do I almost walked 5 miles today but didn't found any place. I really don't want to burden Mr. Arrogant. I can't take advantage of his Kindness but.... Huh.. (He sighed).

He came back to home and press the bell button. Zee opened the door he was in suit looks like he also just came back.
Nu came inside house.

Zee: Hy kitty how was your day. Your belongings are in your room. Your clothes and everything.

Nu: huh... Thank you so much Mr. Arrogant.

Zee chukled as nu thanking him but still calling him arrogant.

Zee: Are you alright you are looking so exhausted.

Nu : I'm fine I'm just a bit tired.

Zee instantly went to kitchen and bring him a glass of water.

Zee: Here, take this.

Nu: Thanks you.

Zee: how many time you're gonna thank me. (Smiled while handing him the glass).

After handing the Zee headed to his room. Nu drank some water and was going to put the glass in kitchen but accidentally dropped it. Water spilled all over. So quickly ran to kitchen and took a mopping cloth from there. After wiping water he was going back to the kitchen but he slipped due to wet tile(Author: It's really slippery I slipped so many times at homes 😂 lol that's another thing my mom shouts *can't you walk carefully do you wanna break your leg*) . Nu fell on the ground with a loud thud sound. Nu scream in pain as his foot and got twised really bad. Zee was changing when he heard all this he came running from his room with half of his shirt buttons open.

Zee:What happened ? (he shouted on halfway)

He came and saw what happened. He saw nu sitting holding his feet while whining in pain. He approche nu and bent down.

Zee: kitty are you alright . Let me see.

Zee forward his hands to touch but nu scooted.

Zee: Let me see atleast.

Nu: it hurts alot.

Zee: Let me see. I hope you didn't broke it. What  were you doing hmm? ( he said with full concern and worry).

Zee gently checked nu's feel while nu whine.

Zee: Gosh you have sprained your ankle very badly. Okay, let me help to bring to your room.

Nu: but...

Zee: no buts, no argument can't you see, you are injured kitty.

Zee was really worried but nu was feeling somehow good as first time someone was caring about him this much. Even his boyfriend treats badly but this stranger is treating like nu very important person in his life. Zee supported nu to stand then Zee just bent down and picked nu in bridal style. It was painful for nu to walk so he did.Nu was seeing with full emotions.Nu holded him properly.Zee bring nu to his room and settled him down on bed.

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