Because the dawn right before the sun rises is the darkest
Even in the far future, never forget the you of right
Wherever you are right now, you're just taking a
Lenora Baratheon was never in control of any aspect of her life. Her mothe...
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Lenora took a deep breath. This was it, what she has been waiting for for four years. The sole reason she returned to Westeros was about to ride into Winterfell and everything she's done to get here was finally going to pay off.
The air stilled around Winterfell. It was deadly silent, save for a few common folk who were whispering to each other. The drums have been silenced long ago.
Just as Lenora swore she saw a flash of red hair her attention was averted to the east. A red flare. "Fuck."
Reina, who was casually walking Kayda next to Arya gasped. The dragon took off without notice. Reina circled Winterfell in search of Lenora.
Once she spotted the Baratheon, she swept down and landed next to her. She wordlessly jumped onto the back of the dragon with Reina, the both of them quickly taking off into the sky.
"What was that about?" Loras asked Hanuel, chasing after the woman.
She ignored the knight and marched to Ryujin. "Did you check the perimeter?"
"Yes- it was clear. None of these bastard ball suckers lived." Ryujin side eyed the Northern folk watching them. "Its nothing. I'll bet you a dragon egg that it's just one of those children messing about."
Hanuel glared at him, then turned to the Northerners. "Deepest apologies. My name is Hanuel Lanza, advisor to Lenora Baratheon and second in command to Reina Jian.
We deeply regret not being able to arrive sooner, it is a dark story for another day. For right now, please allow us to seek to our injured. And please, if you need any repairs done to the castle we have thousands of men ready to work. Just send for me."
She offered the westerns a small smile before turning to Loras. "Set up a tent outside of the walls and call for our healers."
The knight nodded obediently and turned to leave.
Lenora and Reina quickly jumped off Kaydas back as she landed on the deck of the ship. Lenora could hear rushed shouting from the deck below and quickly ran down the steps.
"What the fuck?" Lenora swore as she swung the door open, Reina hot on her heels.
Debby looked panicked, her hands covered in blood. Randy laid out on a table with a stab wound on his lower abdomen. "It was an accident." The ginger gulped as she saw the look on Lenoras face.
Devon sent Lenora a look. "They were practicing their moves, Randy slipped on the deck-"
"Thats a lie!" Randy shouted, pointing at Debby. "That bastard stabbed me!"