Rainy (gf)

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Harry gets kicked out and comes to you

Sitting by the window in your small apartment by the docks you wrap your arms around yourself, watching as the sky dumps buckets of rain onto The Isle. You wondered how Harry was going, last time you spoke he was headed back to his dads place, knowing that they had a rough relationship you hoped that everything was going ok. Opening a tattered copy of Pride and Prejudice from beside you, you settle yourself in for a quiet rainy afternoon. Just as you begin the first page a loud thumping comes from the other window by the fire escape. Jumping up you scowl and march over, ready to yell at any unwelcome visitor, only to be faced with a soaking Harry. Letting your scowl melt away you quickly unlock the window and open it, helping Harry inside. "What happened?" He never looked this defeated, even when he was fighting with his father. Harry opens his mouth to reply but accidentally sneezes. Sighing you hand him a towel and watch as he dries himself off.

After shaking out his hair he slumps up against the wall and looks up at you. You sit next to him and bump your shoulder against his. "I was fighting with him again and this time he kicked me out. For good." His sad voice is thick with his accent, and you watch as he kicks his treasured hook across the floor. "Why don't you stay here for now then?" Harry looks at you with surprise. "Are your serious?" You nod. "As long as you're quiet when I read then yeah." He gives you a small smile that lights up his eyes, making you smile back. "Wait here." You quickly get up and grab your book and the thin blanket from your bed, as you sit back down you drape the blanket over you both, and open your book. Harry leans his head onto the wall behind you and closes his eyes. You smile and begin to read silently, the rain pattering over the tin roof. After a few minutes you hear Harry whisper something. "What was that?" You feel him squirm a bit before his quiet gravely voice reaches your ear. "Can you please read out loud?" You shuffle down his side and lean into his arm, before he snuggles you to his side, and begin to read aloud.

After a while you hear him snoring ever so slightly as his head drops to your shoulder, you smile and continue reading. What a perfect afternoon.


Harry Hook Oneshots and Imagines (Harry Hook x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now