Crushing on the Capitan (Bff)

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Harry and Gil separately encourage both you and Uma to ask each other out

"I swear one day I'll make them pay for leaving us here!"

A round of cheers goes up throughout the chip shop, pirates and customers alike agreeing heartily with Uma's passionate vow.

Sighing from your place behind the counter you watch her with a small smile on your face.

"I see you're still not over the captain?" Not even turning to look to your left you just lean gently on Harry's shoulder.

"She's just so cool! And dedicated and pretty." Harry chuckles and hums in agreement.
"You know she's into chicks as well as dudes right?" This new piece of information is enough to make you turn and face Harry, eyes wide.

"For real? At least I got half a chance now." Harry just raises an eyebrow, nodding his head in Uma's direction. Following his gaze your eyes immediately find Uma's. With a smirk she winks at you over the shoulder of whoever she's arm wrestling before focusing back on her competition.

"Oh. My. Gosh." Butterflies swirling in your chest you bury your face in your hands.
"She's so cool she can actually pull of the wink of a mysterious tavern pirate."
Harry just laughs and pats your shoulder.
"One day you're pathetic pining won't be for nought- I'm sure of it."

Taking a deep breath in you smile at his affectionate tone.
"Thanks guy liner. Maybe one day that sword vendor will finally look at you twice as well." An offended gasp leaves Harry's mouth as leaps onto the counter top.
"For that mockery lass I must challenge ye to a dual."
Game face on you jump up onto the counter too, both of you taking up stray kitchen utensils and trying to fight with them between fond insults.

Across the bar:

"She's so cool- I can't believe I actually winked at her!"
Uma drags a hand down her face as she watches you and Harry mock duelling.

"At least you can pull it off though. You should see Harry try it on that sword vendor." At Gil's helpful comment from beside her, Uma couldn't help but laugh.

"True, but seriously- you recon she'd say yes if I asked her out?"
Gil smiled fondly at Uma. Having watched two of his closest friends steal glances at each other from across the shop, ship and anywhere they were together- he couldn't wait to see them finally admit their feelings.

"Trust me Uma- she'd say yes, I'm sure of it."

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