What It Would Be Like Dating Harry Hook

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Updated Version (29/5/24)

- Because you live on the Isle Of The Lost there's not really much  time for much physical affection

-but Harry usually has an arm around your waist or hand on your shoulder when he stands behind you

-occasionally he'll put his head on yours and wrap his arms loosely around your waist

- On dates you would take it in turns, usually something simple and private

-you both love to steal things from Jaffar's shop to give each other

- You would be the only one he would trust with his hook, he would even let you borrow it sometimes

- One of your favourite things to do with him would be to sit together, curled up to his side while playing cards with Uma and Gil

- He loves when you get mad at someone (as long as it's not him you're mad at- he thinks you couldn't be hotter)

- If either of you are having a bad day you'll give each other a kiss on the temple and a hug in between your tasks before you can hang out

- You always steal his jacket, and even though he grumbles about it, when he gets it back he won't take it off until your scent disappears

- He never paid much attention to books, now he loves it when you read together and is always stealing new books for you to read

- You already knew how to fight, so you always train together

- Sometimes you would have prank wars against each other; the last one ended with both of you covered in green paint

- When he's sad he'll just bury his head in between your neck and shoulder, you just hug him until he feels better enough to talk about it

- You never fail to make each other laugh

- As much as you love spending time together, you both get that you have other friends and jobs to do. Some days you won't see each other much then meet up to eat some food and talk all about your day

-him calling you (mostly) siren then things like love/darling

-you calling him things like cabin boy/Hook/handsome pirate/scoundrel

-giving and receiving lots of cheek and forehead kisses (especially during the day when you catch each other between jobs)

Harry Hook Oneshots and Imagines (Harry Hook x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now