Frozen (gf)

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Harry helps you warm up after a shitty morning

Wrapping your arms around yourself and hunching your shoulders closer together, shivers run up your spine as you trudge through alleyways towards the docks. Winters on the isle were always pretty brutal, but this one had been particularly icy.

"Hey pretty girl, where are you going in such a rush?"
Rolling your eyes at your luck, you try your best to ignore the way your teeth are chatting and yell something over your shoulder.
"Away fr..from you- sleezebag!"
Huffing with irritation you stumble as something hits you in the back, cold liquid running down the back of your thin coat and making what little warmth you felt freeze over. Glancing once more behind you, you make sure to memorise the faces of the three intoxicated men standing midway along the alleyway.
Revenge would be sweet.


"Hey siren- lookin' particularly murderous today aren't we?" You can't help but let a small smile onto your face after you've made it into the cabin of The Lost Revenge- Harry's open arms and warm smile ready and waiting.

Stepping into his embrace you feel him kiss the top of your head before gently taking your shoulders and taking a step back from you.
"Why is your back practically covered in ice love?" Remembering the incident on the way to the captains cabin, a frown creeps back onto your face. Still shivering from the cold you mumble something and look away from Harry's concerned gaze.
"Can you say tha' again for me please darlin'?" This time Harry's hand finds your cold cheek and you can't help but lean into his warmth.
"Some guys threw some sort of liquid at me when I was on my way here. And before you ask yes- I memorised their faces and yes- I'd love your help in revenge. But for now- I'm f..freaking freezing!" Knowing that Harry is already formulating a revenge plan in his head, he leans forward and kisses your forehead before twirling you around and gently motioning for you to help remove your frozen jacket.
"Sorry that happened Siren. Damn landlubbers." Smiling as Harry grumbles about the state of things, you know you'll have a chat with Uma about cleaning up her territorys.

After you're changed into one of Harry's dry coats, he settles you next to him on the beaten old couch and helps wrap you up in his blankets, warmth finally beginning to seep back into your bones.

Author's Note:
Wow I haven't updated this book in ages! Felt a random burst of 1am inspo so here it is :)

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