Crush (bff ➡️ gf)

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Harry finally confesses

Rubbing your eyes you yawn and get dressed, heading out for a stroll along the docks. As you come up alongside The Lost Revenge you wave at Uma.
"Y/n! Come up!" You jog up to the gangplank and walk on board.

"Hey Uma. What's up?" She just raises her eyebrows. "Aren't you and Ha-" Suddenly Harry calls out from the door of the cabin, eyes wide.

"Uma! I um- haven't.. well yeh know!" You look between them confused. "You haven't what?" Gil then appears beside Harry. "You know- carried out the plan to- Ow!" Gil looks at where Harry stamped on his foot.

"Good moring y/n!" You try not to shiver as Harry rolls his rrrr's. You have had a crush on him for a while- but only Uma knows. "Hey Harry. What is going on?" He just laughs awkwardly. "Nothing. Let's go collect this weeks tribute yeh?" You shrug, trying not to smile at the thought of borderline stealing with Harry. "Sure. See you two later." You wave at Uma and Gil before walking off onto The Isle with Harry.

After you had taken the weekly payment from all the shop venders, Harry tugs your hand and leads you to his favourite spot on The Isle, his secret little cove.

You try not to blush at the contact when he sits you down on his jacket, the soft sand cushioning you. "I love this place." You sigh and breath in the salty air, before noticing Harry putting his hands in his pockets and cursing, as if he lost something.

"Harry? What's the matter? You're behaving like a paranoid codfish." You try to lighten the mood and it works, Harry giving you a pained smile. "Listen- I - well don't laugh ok?" You just shuffle around to face him as he sits next to you. "I had this whole plan- I was going to spend the day with you, then take you here and give you this necklace I found and ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend." You watch as he slowly looks away and blushes. You feel your own blush rising in your cheeks. That was why he was so weird last time we collected the payment.

Smiling you bring a hand to his cheek and make him look you in the eyes. "Harry- I would love to." His embarrassed expression turns to a beaming smile. "Really?" You laugh and lightly punch his arm. "Don't be an idiot. I've liked you for ages."


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