Enemies (gf)

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Synopsis: -

"You guys go- I'll be lookout."

Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay all nod and take off around corner at the end of the alleyway you're in. Just as you turn around to keep watch, Jay pops back around the corner and calls out.

"Be careful- you know that Uma and her crew are trying to push their territory around here."
Flashing a smile you cross your arms.
"Got it Jay- now go and get the loot!"
Smiling back at you he disappears.

Huffing, you lean your shoulder on the wall of the ally, wondering how long it would take for the gang to get the extra food and blankets for winter from the secret warehouse.

"Well well well- if it isn't the little traitor." Looking to your left you meet Harry's smirking face with raised eyebrows, trying to hide the fact that you didn't realise he'd snuck up on you.

"Hello Harry- still carrying around that hook I see? Must suck being reminded you haven't been pirate enough to get the real thing." You smirk when Harry's eyes flash, mouth twisting into a sneer.

"You'd best be careful around here- you know this is our turf now eh?" You snort and roll your eyes, tilting your head up to meet Harry's eyes as he walks over and puts his arm above your head.

"You seem to be mistaken pirate- last time I checked your turf ended just past where the wharfs did." Your feel your lips curving into a smile as Harry hums and leans down, brushing a kiss to your cheek.

"It ends there for now, how's being with Mal and her lackeys?" This time you hum as you bring your arms around his neck, lips curling into a smirk. Standing on your toes you lean up close to his ear.

"It's no where near as fun as the crew but we have to keep up the ruse for a while yet- they are loosing territory and I'm getting lots of intel but we can still take more." Pressing a kiss to his cheek as you fall back against the ally wall you both stare at each other, cataloguing the slight changes since the last time you saw each other.

"You should go before the others get back, Uma won't be happy if we blow this before the plan is finished."

"You're right. I'll see you soon."
Gently bumping his head to yours you run a hand over his cheek before kissing him briefly.

"Send Uma and Gil my love. And tell them that I'll leave some extra supplies in the usual spot in three days."

Harry pulls back and tips his hat.

"As always, traitor."

Winking before whirling around and stomping away in true Harry fashion you smile to yourself. Settling back to your post you wait for the others to get back.

Only a few more months.

Authors Note:

Honestly this is probably my favourite one yet. Please feel free to vote and comment.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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