Flirty (gf)

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A fun dare from Gil leads to flirting on deck

You and Harry had been dating for a while now- and neither of you showed much affection towards each other around the crew, only when alone or sometimes when hanging around with Uma and Gil.

Uma had order everyone to do maintenance on the ship today, the day that you and Harry had planned to relax and hang out together. Grumbling you started trying to patch up the old sails with Gil. "Hey y/n?" You glance over at Gil. "Yeah?" Gil leans closer to you and whispers in your ear. "I dare you to try and make Harry blush in front of everyone." You grin and look around for Harry. Spotting him scrubbing at the rotted railing you nod mischievously at Gil and wander over.

"Hey scoundrel." Harry's ears immediately go pink. "What are yeh up to yeh little siren?" You blink a few times, not expecting open flirting back. Grinning to yourself you go with it. "Nothing- just seeing what my handsome pirate was up to." Knowing that you where one of the only things able to knock Harry off balance you brush a hand lightly over his chest before turning and walking away. You hear a few curses coming from Harry. "How'd I do Gil?" Glancing over you watch as Gil covers his mouth with his hand, trying not to laugh to loud. "You are a Siren! You two are so cute together!" You look back at Harry and watch him tip his hat at you. Damn you pirate you think as butterflies swirl around in your stomach.

-hope you enjoyed

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