Kiss (gf)

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You and Harry finally kiss

"What are you up to y/n?" You turn around to find Harry leaning on the stone wall of the ally you were hiding in.

"Ah- nothing! ... just hiding from Uma because I don't want to scrub the deck." Harry laughs and walks over closer to you. "Really?" You raise your eyebrows at him. You have been dating for a while but still haven't kissed yet, so you decide to test the waters as he keeps talking.

"That seems a little... mischievous don't ya think?" You just smile cheekily at him in reply and stand your ground, the eye contact between you giving you butterflies. "You going to kiss me already cabin boy?" Harry's face is briefly shocked before his smug grin sets in. Rolling his eyes you catch a small smile before he gently puts a hand to your cheek and kisses you. You butterflies double when you feel his other hand snake around your waist.

"Y/n!! There you ar-" quickly turning towards the sound of Uma's voice you wince at her angry expression, and Harry clears his throat. "Hey Uma- we're a bit busy here so..." you blush as Harry tries to get Uma to leave. "Fine. But you both have to do extra work next week." You tug at Harry's jacket and watch smugly as he flushes pink.

After Uma huffs off you quirk an eyebrow at Harry. "Took your time." He just laughs before kissing you again.

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