Waking Up (gf)

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Waking up with Harry (pretty self explanatory)

Rubbing your eyes you blink and roll over, facing Harry. Smiling to yourself you snuggle back down and close your eyes again.

"Morning love." You open one eye. "You were awake the whole time? For how long?" You watch his face stretch into a smirk. "Long enough to watch you wake up." You pretend to be grumpy and roll back over, facing away from him. Without warning Harry puts his chin at the base of your neck and gives it a kiss.

"Harry! That tickles!!" You roll back over with a laugh and stare at his smiling face, his body propped up on one arm next to you. You sit up and lean down, giving him a quick kiss. When you see a small blush rising from his cheeks you kiss those to. "Morning Hook." You gently push him onto his back and settle into the crook of his arm, you hear him hum happily and begin dozing when he starts gently combing his hand through your hair.

-sorry it's so short! feel free to vote & comment

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