Thief (bff)

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A typical day on the Isle means you need to nab Harry's Hook

Grinning to yourself you sprint through the stalls on the docks, holding onto your loot as tight as you can.

"Y/n!! Get back here!!" You laugh and continue to wind around the shop venders and coloured fabrics. In the whirlwind of trying to escape you accidentally take a wrong turn and end up in a dead end ally. Panting you turn around to find Harry, grinning.

"Well well well." You smirk and hold up your treasure- a freshly polished silver hook, and Harry's favourite accessory. Harry rolls his eyes and holds out his gloved hand.
"Hand it over ya runt." You crinkle your nose up at his nickname. Just because you are shorter than him doesn't mean you think his nickname is amusing.

"Come get it- or else I get the reward from Uma!" It was a game that the crew of The Lost Revenge played often- whoever stole Harry's hook got the best catch of the day for lunch, and if he took it back he got it.

Harry rolls his eyes before launching forward, you dart under his arm and quirk an eyebrow. "To bad- guy liner." You chuckle when he scowls at your nickname. At his annoyed growl you quickly take off again, laughing with mischief.


Harry Hook Oneshots and Imagines (Harry Hook x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now