Crying (gf)

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Harry comforts you when you've never really cried in front of anyone

Spluttering and shivering you stumble through the dank streets on The Isle. You try blinking away the tears in your eyes, only to have the pouring rain replace them. The extra dark storm clouds making it even harder to see. Breathing in and out frantically you feel your grip on your nerves start to break, the fight with your mother having almost completely obliterated them.

"Y/n? Y/n!!" The sounds of Harry's voice makes you pause, quickly trying to wipe away any hints of crying you just wrap your arms around yourself and stand there. "What happened siren?" You feel so splintered you can't even smile at his nickname for you. You zone out as Harry senses something extremely wrong and gently puts his coat around your shoulders and leads you back to his secret hideout. When you get there he guides you to his beaten up couch and shuts the door behind him.

You never ever cried- especially around people, meaning your boyfriend was no exception. So you just stared at the floor, trying to forget the insults your mother had screamed at you.  "I'm here, and it's ok love." Harry's soothing voice makes you feel slightly less numb, and you find yourself leaning into his chest, his arms curling comfortingly around your shoulders. Taking a shaky breath you don't have the energy to keep fighting it, so you just let the tears of fear, anger and hurt slide down your cheeks.

A while later your trembling form is all out of tears, but Harry doesn't recoil or tease you. Instead he lies you both down and drags his coat over you. As he plays with your hair and his body heat warms you, you let yourself drift off to sleep.

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