Chapter Thirteen

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Trigger warnings: Talks of suicidal thoughts, talks about drug abuse, self harm, and alcohol, questions of SA, talks of trauma. All minor mentions.

Smut warning.

It's three days before my stitches finally come out. In that time, I'd gotten countless visits from the queen, a few from my mates, and none from Delilah, though I was sure she was probably busy with her mate.

Jovi helps me up the stairs to a room I wasn't familiar with. It wasn't hers, or mine, or one I'd ever seen before. Though truthfully, I'd never seen a room like this before. The walls are a deep red with silver trim. The bed was larger than I knew beds could be. It could probably easily fit ten people with room to spare. There are three television sets around the room, and more wardrobes than I could possibly count. There are three doors, each leading to a gigantic bathroom, each having both a shower and a tub that was way bigger than I could see a reason for.

"My mother and I thought that since we don't know how many mates you'll have, it might be a good idea to have room." I stare at her in shock. Despite the size of everything, the room was more extravagant than I could even fathom.

"I still don't see the need for all this." She laughs softly.

"She said you probably wouldn't, but we agreed that since we had to make room for Finley, we might as well make room for anyone else who might come along." I look around the room once more before pulling away from her. "What's wrong?" I smile up at her.

"Nothing's wrong. It was very sweet of you both to do this. I just need to get these clothes off so I can take a shower."

"Ammae said it might be best to take a bath just so you don't overexert yourself." I sigh, but nod. She walks into one of the bathrooms, starting the water. It pounds heavily against the porcelain as it slowly fills. She helps me undress, grimacing when she sees the aftermath of the sword. I look down at it before tentatively running my fingers over it. My skin feels rough and I can't help but pull away. "Are you okay baby?" I nod, taking a shaky breath.

"I always hate wounds before they scar. I like the scars better." She frowns, seeming to understand just how much I hate this stage of healing. I shake my head before taking a step towards the tub. She wraps her arm around me, helping me steady myself as I walk. She lifts me up before setting me in the tub. I let out a satisfied hum as the warm water envelopes me. She laughs softly before walking back into the room.

I lay there for a long while. As much as I wanted to clean myself, laying in the water is soothing. At least until the flashbacks start. Small hands, small body, being ripped from the water and not knowing why, the panic. But then Jovi's got her arms wrapped around me, firmly but carefully, and I'm beginning to calm back down. I take in a shaky breath, pulling away.

"I got your shirt wet," I mutter. She gives me a soft smile.

"Baby, I don't care about my shirt. What happened?" I sigh.

"When I was three or four, I was taking a bath. I'm still not sure what I did that set my father off, but he ripped me out of the tub, and he hurt me. I was having a flashback." She goes to say something, but seems to think better of it. "What is it?"

"Did he ever..." I raise my eyebrow. It takes me a while to understand what she's asking.

"Are you asking if he ever... touched me?" I ask, not knowing a gentler way to put it. She nods, not quite meeting my eyes. "No, never. It's the only thing I'm grateful to him for." She hums, pulling her shirt off. I can't help but stare, a blush quickly making itself known. She chuckles before sliding her pants off.

"Scoot forward." I do as she says, somehow surprised when she slides in behind me. She pulls me back against her. I shiver at the feeling of her skin on mine, my heart racing. "Are you okay?" I blush.

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