Chapter Forty One

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This chapter is going to be a bit rough. I've put chapter breaks for the most graphic parts, so if somewhat detailed discussions of sexual assault are triggering for you, feel free to skip the parts between these, "*****" This chapter is important, as it introduces a new main character. Any of the other triggers are minor mentions, but that does include small discussions about feelings of shame in regards to SA.

Trigger warnings: Detailed discussions of SA, detailed discussions of torture, mentions of domestic abuse, mentions of murder.

Finley's POV

We wake up sometime the next afternoon to someone knocking on the door. Vix rolls off the bed, falling on the floor with a thud and a groan. I sit up, rubbing at my eyes as she opens the door.

"Busy night?" a woman teasingly asks. "Vix-" she says lowly, staring at me.

"Relax, we didn't do anything. This is Finley," Vix says, running her hands through her unkempt hair. The woman visibly relaxes.

"Oh," she says. I stand up, catching the look of shock as the woman stares up at me.

"Finley, this is Cinder."

"It's nice to meet you," I say, looking her over. She has short silver hair. The top is slicked back, the sides are shaved, and she has a streak of black going through the left side of it. Her eyes are a rich green. Her cheekbones are high, her jaw is narrow, and her lips are full. She's almost uncomfortably beautiful.

"It's nice to meet you, too. I've heard a lot about you." I give her a soft smile before turning to Vix.

"I should probably get back, see how Echo's doing."

"I'll come by a little later," Vix says. I linger on the other side of the door for a moment, listening to them talk. Eventually, Vix asks, "Would you maybe want to come with me?"

"To the castle?" There's a slight pause before Cinder speaks again. "I don't know, Vix. That may not be the best idea."

"They have to meet you eventually," Vix mutters.

"They just learned I existed yesterday. You don't think you might be rushing it?"

"It's not going to make a single difference if they meet you now versus if they meet you later. Please, Cin?" Cinder sighs.

"Fine, but you have to promise that if they don't want to meet me, you won't try to force them to. I don't want to make things worse." I can't help but smile softly, deciding Cinder had earned my favor.

When I get back to the castle, I immediately start looking for Echo. I find her in the dining room, halfway through lunch. Her and Jovi grin at me when I walk in. I feel somewhat disappointed that I don't have a chance to talk to Echo about what Vix had told me last night. At the same time, though, I feel relieved. I wasn't sure I was prepared to have that conversation just yet.

"What's on your mind?" Echo asks softly.

"I met Cinder, Vix's other mate. Vix wants her to meet us." Neither of them says anything. "She seems to be a decent person. I'm not going to force either of you into meeting her, but when you do, will you at least try to give her a chance?" I ask, mainly directing the question to Jovi.


"And please try not to start a fight with Vix?" Her eyebrows furrow, like she has some question she doesn't want to ask. "Please, Jovi. It's not my place to tell you, but there's a reason I'm asking." Jovi sighs, giving me a nod before turning back to her food. Echo traces the tattoo on her wrist, staring off into the distance. I'm about to ask if she's okay when a guard announces that Vix is at the gate with a guest. I'm mildly surprised when Echo stands and follows Jovi out.

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