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MY body fell asleep on the couch last night on top of Ryker, but I woke up in my bed next to him. I assumed he took us to bed because thinking I got up and sleepwalked to my room wouldn't sound even remotely accurate. I don't sleepwalk.

I hummed and forced myself to swallow when I felt how dry my throat was. It felt like I hadn't drunk water in days and I did not like this feeling. But I'd rather lay here than actually get up right now.

"Ry," I opened my eyes enough to turn onto my back and peer at Ryker. His arm draped over my waist and kept a firm grip to keep me laying down beside him. "Ryker," my finger moved to his lips and I gently tapped them.

We had work today and only god knows what time it is right now.

"What?" Ryker finally answered with his eyes kept shut and his body stayed still. He pulled me closer to him and pressed our bodies together. "What do you need, sunflower?" Ryker's eyes finally opened just a little bit. Enough to see my face.

"I just missed you," I moved my hand to caress his arm slowly, feeling my body heat from the friction our bodies made. Being looked in the eyes by Ryker was always so electrifying, internally.

"We're in the same bed together," he whispered with a teasing smirk. "I dreamt about you," he hummed softly, trying to keep himself from falling back to sleep because I definitely could see that happening right about now.

"What was your dream about?" I lifted my fingers and slowly brushed them down the side of his face. They rested on the side of his neck and my thumb caressed his jawline slowly.

"Well.. we were very happy. Miles had just turned four and we bought a house together. We had Croissant and another cat named Onyx. We were engaged, just a few months away from being married. The world was so peaceful around us. You were even studying to be a therapist like you wanted," I admired Ryker, how soft he spoke, how passionate his words were. It really made me feel like everything in that sentence could come true for us and it made me excited. It made me excited to spend my future with someone.

"I love you," I slowly moved to climb on top of Ryker so I could be closer to him in some way. My chest pressed against his and his arms moved to wrap around my body, keeping me close. "I can't wait for the future with you. We're already one step closer, Miles is officially one today. God he grows up way too fast."

Ryker nodded in agreement and lifted his head to softly kiss my forehead. His lips lingered for a moment before he moved his hands to slip up my shirt and rest comfortably against the warmth of my skin.

"Do you think it's too late to take the day off of work?" I groaned softly when I realized I forgot to do such a thing. I even thought about work earlier and still forgot to call off for Miles' birthday. We had part of the day planned for the three of us.

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