𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫

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Champagne bubbles rise and sparkle with hope and laughter.

"I wish we could make all these people disappear," Natasha murmurs, loud enough for only Wanda to hear.

"Soon enough, baby," Wanda whisper again, brushing her fingers against Natasha's down by their sides in the subtle way they do when they are in a crowd.

"But I don’t want to wait anymore," the redhead protests, Wanda just wink and a smile at her, Natasha knows she would wait until the end of time so long as time ended in bed with her girlfriend.


Wands goes to the kitchen looking for a glass, Natasha finds her and for just a moment they are alone. The music plays on, and yet there is silence in the air between them, in the gaze they hold only for one another.

"You look so beautiful, my darling. Red suits you, velvet suits you." She grabbed firm Wanda's hip.

"Are you tipsy?" Wands grins as her eyes dart around the kitchen.

"So what if I am?" Natasha leans until her lips are on Wanda's neck and smirks with delight when she feels Wanda's breath hitch.


Natasha looks at Wanda walk her way through the crowd. People like this never fail to fluster her, but the brunette shows only grace.

Natasha hears the melody of Wanda's voice rise above the music and she can practically taste the honey of her filling her mouth, dripping down the back of her throat, coating her insides and making her tingly and warm throughout.

From across the crowded room, their eyes meet and Natasha gives herself entirely. She feels herself spill into Wanda like a sea of shining stars.


With a little jerk of her head, Wanda indicates Natasha she should follow her. They walk down a hall and the brunette pulls her into the bathroom, almost slamming the door behind her, Wanda pushes Natasha against the sink counter.

"What happen all of sudden, babe?" Natasha smirks on Wanda's lips.

"I just want to kiss you," Wanda sucks Natasha's bottom lip into her mouth and slides her hands over her breasts. Natasha decides instantly the satin dress was a good choice, simply for how it feels under Wanda's hands.

Someone knocks on the door.

"Fuck!" They both swear at once.

Six, Five

People dance. Wanda and Natasha watch from a distance.

"I don’t believe we ever danced together," Wanda says softly.

"No." Natasha agrees, and adds, "I’m not much of a slow dancer."

"Oh," Wands sighs and sounds so disappointed.

Natasha is suddenly entirely sober, like she hasn’t had a single sip of champagne all night.

"But I very much want to dance with you," she says and has never seen anything as magnificent as the way Wanda's face brightens. She leads her onto the floor and they tussle to find their way into one another’s arms.

"Are people watching?" Wands asks nervously.

"Yes," Natasha grins. "If they didn’t know before, they certainly do now," she whispers with a delicate nuzzle of Wanda's ear.

The brunette's eyes glisten and her voice rises slightly like it does when she might cry. "I’ve never felt so happy, Nat,"

"Me either," Natasha blushes. "As it turns out, I rather like slow dancing. I just wish I could spin or dip you."

"No," Wands throws back her head and laughs. "Holding me close like this is the very best way."

To show she agrees, Natasha presses a kiss on Wanda's cheek.


They majority of guests goodbye. Natasha twitches with anticipation.

"Couldn’t they leave faster?" She groans under her breath to Wanda.

"Patience, sweetheart," Wanda scolds.

"I’ve been patient all night," the redhead groans. "And you know what else I’ve been?"


Natasha leans in close and whispers, "Wet. I’ve been dripping for you all night. Are you wet? I bet you’re wet," she runs her hand down over Wanda's ass. the brunette gulps and her eyes flutter. "You are, aren’t you," Natasha teases in a husky voice.

"Mhm, yes," Wanda whimpers.

"You know where to find me," Natasha winks and walks toward the bedroom.

Three, Two, One

Wanda can’t get down the hall fast enough.

Natasha is waiting with champagne and stripped naked.

"Help me," Wanda gasps, stumbling as she throws her blazer of her red velvet suit. Her naked lover happily complies and takes off Wanda's pants.

Natasha shoves her on the bed and kneels between her legs. Wanda still wears black, lace panties and the redhead stops her from trying to remove them.

Natasha mouths over the thin fabric, moaning as she tastes her woman’s wetness. "I knew you fucking wanted it."

She laughs as she slips her fingers in the side of the material and feels the brunette's slick.

"Oh, god" Wanda cries and spreads her legs wide for Natasha, who eagerly thrust two fingers in and curls them expertly.  Wanda falls back on the bed as her back arches. Natasha giggles against her clit and pulls her panties to expose her pretty core.

"I should really punish you for making me wait all night," Natasha purred.

"You wouldn’t dare," Wands whimpers, already preparing to cum around her fingers and her lapping tongue.

"I would, but not now," Natasha hisses and brings her through a full series of orgasms, more enchanting and intoxicating than champagne bubbles.

Wanda knows what Natasha loves. Pulling her onto the bed, she sinks into her from above so they can gaze deeply, as if they haven’t been watching one another all night. "I love you, baby" Natasha pants as she lays against Wanda.

When they finally settle, it is soft. They do not desire to drink more champagne, so much as they desire to lick one another from their fingers in the very first hours of the newest year.

Happy 2023!!!

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