𝐁𝐮𝐳𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐊𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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Your girlfriend, Kelly, purchased the best thing ever, even though she said it was the best for you, really it was for her.

Kelly Foster x Reader, smut, vibrator, vaginal fingering, oral sex, choking.

Words Count: 1000+

"Thank you" you said to the lady who handed you the package that just fell out of your hands, you smiled and continued walking down the supermarket aisle, internally cursing your girlfriend

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"Thank you" you said to the lady who handed you the package that just fell out of your hands, you smiled and continued walking down the supermarket aisle, internally cursing your girlfriend.

Your girlfriend, the one who came laughing with her phone in her hand a few steps behind you. It was funny for her to see you like that, so dumb and desperate.

Not so much for you, having to pretend that you didn't want to cum since the minute you two left your home, that you didn't want her to grab you against shelf and fuck you mercilessly.

"You laugh once more and you will see what would happen at home." you whispered in her ear when she got to your side.

"Oh come on, it's fun." she excused herself.

"Yes, for you!" you said angrily at this point, rather frustrated.

"If you hold on, when we get home I'll reward you." you squeezed your thighs together, feeling the vibration in your cunt grow.

You nod and she took her phone to put the lowest speed and after a few minutes you didn't know which was worse, the maximum or the minimum, both were torture.

After paying and returning home, you couldn't take it anymore, you needed your release immediately, but Kelly wanted to organize the groceries until your patience ran out and you practically dragged her to the bedroom.

You undressed and did the same with her, leaving both of you naked and the device buzzing inside your dripping cunt.

"Please, babe, I can't anymore!" you cried out frustrated.

"Oh you were such a good girl, baby, I'm gonna reward you so well." She smirked at you before lifting you up, your legs hooked behind her.

"Oh fuck." You whispered in her ear, feeling the vibrator moving inside you as your core rub with her abdomen.

"You feel that, don't you, baby?" She put her hands on your ass to move you up and down, hearing the moans that left your mouth.

Kelly sat in the edge on the bed with you straddling her lap, the toy still making pressure inside you. She grabbed her phone to speed it up but not reaching the highest.

"More, please, more!" You begged her, you were almost there.

"As you want, baby." She took her phone again, setting the vibrator in the highest speed and you didn't last longer.

You cum with trembling legs and squirting for all the pressure you'd accumulated, the vibrator still functioning inside you pushed you to another orgasm.

Moaning and practically screaming, Kelly was fascinated with the view, you on top of her, shaking and panting for air, blushed and with your eyes shut, you were a mess and she love that.

"You did so good, babygirl, now the reward start." She said with smirk, without letting you respond, she move both of you, laying you in the mattress with you legs spread for her to put between them.

She began to lick you clean, with two fingers separating your folds, her tongue run the entire length of your dripping cunt, gathering all your cum.

"I would never get tired of your taste, so sweet, so addictive." she purred there, sending a shiver to you whole body.

She started to suck your clit, swirling her tongue, making different patterns on it, making you go down your hand to grab her hair in a ponytail and pull it.

"Mhm so good, fuck me with your tongue." you said between moans, and Kelly didn't waste another second, thrusting her tongue in your entrance, in and out. "Yes! just like that!"

You rock your hips against her face, her nose on your clit making the friction you wanted it. The grip on her hair tightened, pushing her closer if that was possible.

"Fingers!" you command and she obey, thrusting two fingers inside you, curling them inside.

"You're doing so good, baby, so good for Mommy." Kelly said panting, you looked down to meet her dark eyes, full of lust and desire.

"Yeah, keep going, I'm so close." your head go back to the pillows, unable to stay up, until her hand went to your neck.

"Look at me." and you did, her proud smirk as your thighs clench around her head and you walls against her fingers.

"Mommy, please." you plead as she squeezed your neck.

"Hold it a little more, baby."

"I can't." you almost cried.

"You always say that, I know it isn't the truth."

It didn't matter how much you protest, you've always listen to her, if she said hold it is hold it, no other option.


"Cum baby, make a mess on Mommy's fingers" you squirted again as you cum, dripping onto the sheets and Kelly's hand.

"Fuck, that was so good." You said as she took her fingers out to put them on you mouth, licking them clean to then lean over to kiss her.

She kissed you softly, her tongue entering to your mouth, stealing a moan from you. Your hands went to her hair again, deepening the kiss until you two separate for the lack of air.

"Now is your turn to test this." you point the vibrator. "I think tomorrow we'll have to go to the supermarket again."

You both let out a giggle, laying in the bed hugging each other while Kelly leave soft kisses on your face.

"We'll see that, baby."

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