12: Until I Met You

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Chapter 12

It was currently 5:30am on Monday morning and I was sitting hunched over in my bed, wide awake.

Now let me tell you, usually I hated waking up early, especially on Monday mornings however, today I had a very good reason to be awake.

As soon as I returned home on Saturday I pulled the book that I had purchased out of its bag and flipped open the cover, deciding to give the book a go right away. The beginning was a little bit of a let-down as the author decided to develop the characters a bit before tossing the drama into her writing. However, when I started unraveling the secrets and mysteries within the book on Sunday, I was hooked. Spending most of my day reading, I only took breaks to finish the small bits of homework I had yet to complete, as well as breaks to eat and use the washroom, I fell asleep Sunday night with the book on my nightstand, only four chapters left until the end.

That’s why I currently had the book in my lap as my eyes scanned over the words of every page, processing the conclusion of the well-written romantic mystery novel.

In the end, the lead female protagonist discovered that her brother, who had been killed a year previous, had been part of a gang she never knew existed until she met the male lead. As the signs added up in her mind, she realized that her brother had been killed in an act of revenge and love prevails, as the male lead drops out of the very same gang to be close to the one he loves, keeping both himself and her safe.

Closing the book with a ghost of a smile on my face, I only wished that I could have a boy in my life that would be as helpful, mysterious and sexy as the ones so often depicted in fiction.

But sadly, fictional boys are always more appealing than the boys in my reality.

For a split second, although it may have not even been long enough to count as a second, my mind flicked to the smiling face of Cason and how fun it had been to just hang around him on Friday, but before I could really process my train of thought, I shook any trace of those thoughts out of my mind and looked to the clock that rested on my bedside table.

My eyes shot open as I read the time; it was already a quarter after seven, meaning I only had approximately forty five minutes to get ready and eat before leaving for school.

Hopping out of bed, I hustled quickly into my en-suite, stripping out of my clothes as quick as possible as I jumped into the gentle spray of my shower. I had tied my hair up in a bun, being careful not to get it wet seeing as I didn’t exactly have time to wash and dry my hair this morning.

After doing a quick body rub with my soap and using a small amount of my tropical scented body wash, I was assured that my body was free of grease and grime as I turned off the spray and stepped out of the shower. My bathroom was temporary filled with steam as I had taken quite a warm shower, however, at the time I really didn’t mind as I dried my body quickly with my towel before going to search for an outfit.

Picking out a cute pink tank top with a set of leopard prints down the right side and a pair of black jean shorts, I grabbed a clean set of undergarments before heading back into my now steam-free bathroom to finished getting ready. After unraveling my bun, running a comb through my hair and tying it up in a sleek ponytail, I added a pink headband before starting on my teeth and makeup.

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