26: Until I Met You

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Chapter 26

Four days had passed since the day trip up to Pineswood and, I would have to say that the Michaels’ were looking up.

Now don’t get me wrong, one two hour visit to the correctional facility didn’t erase three years of ill feeling and abandonment that Cason had stored up. I think Cason realized that his father could never undo what he had foolishly done but, he could see that his father was truly sorry for his actions and just wanted to get to know his son, and wife, once again.

I personally didn’t know what had happened when Cason and I switched places with Diana and let her speak to her husband because we both decided to give them their privacy however, I was present when Malcolm promised to use his weekly phone call to talk to Cason and catch up whenever they could.

True to his word, when Cason and I were hanging out with Evan and Olivia on Saturday afternoon, Cason’s cell phone rang with an unknown number. It turned out to be his dad calling and Cason had moved away from the group for a couple minutes to talk with a bit of privacy.

I was happy for him, he was getting a second chance at the relationship between his father and he definitely deserved it.

Today, however, was New Year’s Eve Day. The 31st of December was here and when the clock struck midnight tonight we would leave the current year behind us and start anew.

Cason had told me about a fair that was going on today a little ways out of town. Actually, it was at the small strip of stores where he had taken me when he got me to skip school way back in September.

Apparently it was a yearly thing that the city planned for residence to have fun and enjoy the day. Cason had explained that during the day was the time when families usually went and participated in events that were mostly planned for younger children while the night was reserved for teenagers and the select parents that could find a babysitter for their kids. There was a dance, fair rides, game stands, competitions, and when the clock struck midnight, the whole sky would be illuminated with a firework show that was pretty spectacular.

It was only three o’clock in the afternoon at the moment but, it did take about a half an hour to drive out to the fairground so Cason was going to be picking me up any minute.

Finishing my makeup with a touch of blush, I looked in the mirror and smiled at my appearance. Sure, I wasn’t the most beautiful girl on this side of the Mediterranean but, I felt good in my skin and I was ready for a night of fun with my friends. I was wearing a blue and white striped t-shirt that was a little loose on my body but had been tucked into my jeans shorts that had a brown braided belt running through them. Also, I pulled my hair to the side in a French braid and tied a bright pink bandana around my head for a little bit of colour.

Just as I was exiting the bathroom I heard my phone vibrate and hurried over to my bedside table to pick it up, only to see that it was Cason.

Hey! Leaving now so you better be ready or I’ll drag you out of your house

Rolling my eyes at his typical teasing text, I texted him back a short a sarcastic reply.

Yea yea! Don’t get your man panties in a bunch! :P

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