24: Until I Met You

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Chapter 24

The days after our movie night started to pass and right before my eyes, the days until Christmas were disappearing.

Olivia and I had gone shopping to finish up our Christmas shopping on the twenty second of December and it was complete and utter chaos. It seemed like everybody had forgotten about the upcoming holiday and were trying to pick up a gift for every family member, friend, acquaintance, enemy, and pet that they ever had. Every store was crowded and packed with a limited amount of selection left and lines as long as the Nile.

However, even with the determination to find everybody a perfect gift, I came up empty handed for only one person; Cason.

I knew that I was seriously running out of time to get him a present for Christmas, which was only a mere three days, so I took some drastic measures and did the one thing that I didn’t think of until the afternoon of the twenty third; I talked to his mom.

Before making the trip over to his house, I made sure to check that he wasn’t home and when I was positive he was out, I headed over. Diana was shocked at first to me, as she knew that I had just called to ask if Cason was there but, when I explained to her that I desperately needed a bit of help picking out a gift for her son she seemed happy to help.

After inviting me in for a quick snack, I talked to her for about a half an hour about what I could give Cason that would both surprise him and make him happy. By the time I was ready to leave, Diana had given me the best idea that I could’ve ever thought of.

Before I had a chance to walk out the door though, Diana called me back for a second to ask what my mom and I’s plans were for Christmas, as my mom had probably mentioned to her that we had left all our family when we moved down here during the summer.

After explaining to her that we were just staying home and lounging around for the holidays, she extended an invite to both of us to join the Christmas dinner she was hosting for some of her family the next day; on Christmas Eve.

I felt touched that she would include both me and my mom in her Christmas plans as we were new to the town and didn’t actually know many people other than the Michaels and a few others.

Telling her I would talk to my mom about it, I smiled at her and rushed back to my house to talk to my mom, who called Diana back just a few minutes afterward telling her that we would gladly attend the dinner.

It was now Christmas Eve and I was currently in my room getting ready for the dinner party at the Michael’s. I had spoken to Cason on the phone earlier today, just to make sure that he was okay with my mom and me coming tonight but, I had nothing to worry about because apparently I was more than welcomed to join him and his goofy cousins tonight.

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