13: Until I Met You

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Chapter 13

Two weeks. Two weeks had gone by since Cason and Evan started sitting with Olivia and I at lunch and, it seemed to me that they enjoyed our company so much; they decided to make our table their permanent lunch spot.

Since that first day, every day at lunch Olivia and I would start to eat our lunch when we would see the boys strolling towards us. Honestly, it didn’t even bother me anymore because there was nothing I could think of that would get them to leave us alone.

Also, because Olivia and I actually started being civil towards both Cason and Evan, both of us realized that most of the rumours that were floating around the school were indeed false. Sure, they didn’t always go to class on time and maybe they were caught skipping once or twice, but other than that, they didn’t have awful personalities or anger tendencies and were actually quite amusing to talk to.

All in all, Evan didn’t treat me awfully. He actually was a nice guy that treated me as a school mate, and sometimes, even as a friend.

Cason, however, was a little bit of a different story. He was friendly and mellow most of the time, but when he decided that it was time to rile up my nerves and push my buttons, he definitely did all he could to annoy me purely for amusement.

I had learned to control my annoyance after a couple of days, just choosing the simple option of ignoring Cason completely when he started up with his tactics of annoyance, usually starting up a conversation with Olivia until Cason took a hint and stopped.

It was now the middle of October and the weather in Avondale was still so strange to me. I was so used to the changing of seasons, but when it didn’t happen and the leaves on the tress remained green, I truly realized that I was in a new place. I had started over, leaving everything about my old life behind when I left.

It was currently Friday afternoon and the final bell that just rung, putting smiles on all my classmates as they were excited for their weekend to start. No worrying about school work or upcoming sport matches, just two days of complete and utter relaxation.

As I placed all my binders and textbooks neatly into my locker, I grabbed my book and lunch containers, stuffing them into my nearly empty bag before closing the locker door. As the door slammed shut, making quite a loud banging noise, a body suddenly appeared in front of me.

Jumping back in shock, I placed a hand up to my thumping heart, dropping my bag to the floor in the process. “Jesus Cason, you almost scared me half to death!” I exclaimed, taking even breaths to calm my racing heart.

Cason chuckled at my response, obviously enjoying my moment of sheer terror as he bent down and picked up my bag. “Well at least you’d only be half dead like a vampire, not fully dead.” he replied teasingly, handing over my bag with an amused smile.

I rolled my eyes at his sarcastic response; however, I also found it quite amusing as I ended up cracking a smile.

“So, is there any particular reason that you decided to hide out behind my locker door and scare me, or was that just for your amusement?” I asked, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

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