22: Until I Met You

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Chapter 22

After singing at the restaurant with Cason, and making a fool out of myself at the same time, I started to realize that maybe it was easier to change the way you used to be. The walls that I built up around myself to protect me from the various words, insults and rumours back where I grew up were slowly coming down thanks to him. Unlike a year ago, I could now eat lunch with the true friends I’ve made, joke around with them without getting tossed under the bus and, actually confide in them about everything.

As the next couple of weeks passed, everything was looking up for not only me, but my friends as well.

Like every other year, November would without a doubt bring a bit or stress and anxiety to all high school students as the midterm exams were scheduled throughout the month. The exams came and passed like a breeze, except for a few late night study sessions with Olivia, Cason and Evan that ended up being a barrel of fun. Although we did study for giant chunks at a time, we also joked around, watched movies and went swimming in Cason’s backyard pool a couple of times to keep us from falling asleep at the sound of any school related word.

Midterms ended on a high note for all four of us as we all received the marks we were hoping for and then some. I kept in mind that there was still a lot of time left in the semester for my mark to drop or change, however, I sent those thoughts to the back of my mind for the weeks that followed.

Although the first half of November was filled with studying on our parts, Olivia and Evan still found enough time to hang out by themselves and develop their relationships. Whenever we would all hang out as a group you would always be able to catch Evan steal a kiss from her every now and then, not caring if his friends saw him admire the girl of his dreams. I was so incredibly happy for Olivia and Evan. They were one of the cutest couples I had ever met and, I just hoped that they had the strength to carry on being friends if something ended up breaking them apart – which seemed highly unlikely at the moment.

Cason and I were also getting closer as the days passed. Since Evan and Olivia would go out by themselves on Friday nights and one or two other times during the week, Cason and I would be forced to hang out with each other.

Well, I wouldn’t say forced because we actually didn’t mind each other’s company one bit now that we were friends.

Every Friday night that Evan took Olivia out on a date, Cason and I would automatically get volunteered for the dutiful task of babysitting Fizzy since Friday was also the Thorn’s date night. Babysitting Fizzy every week was always fun because Cason and I would always come up with new ideas to keep her entertained. Fizzy was so cute and sweet for a little girl, I couldn’t even remember the reason why I used to be nervous around little kids. If they were all like Fizzy, carefree and cute, I would gladly take up babysitting to earn some extra cash.

Not only did we babysit Fizzy, we sometimes just went to the aquarium, the movies or a diner for a cheap dinner. It was always fun and, as much as I hated to say it, way better than staying at home watching television with my mom.

With all the things going on in my life, the days of November passed quickly and the days of December started to disappear in a breeze. However, although I was moving on with my life, I started to miss my old town for one simple reason; the snow. The town of Avondale was obviously a beach side town located fairly close to the equator so, although Christmas was approaching in just a few short weeks, the temperature was only dropping a couple of degrees.

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