19: Until I Met You

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Chapter 19

When I walked into the school on Wednesday morning, I was slightly tired because of the lack of sleep I received the previous night. I hadn’t realized that babysitting a little kid could drain your energy levels so quickly and, with both Evan and his parents staying out relatively late, I only arrived home a after eleven ‘o’clock.

Not letting a small fact like how tired I was stop me, I headed straight for Olivia’s locker because I was dying to know how her date had gone.

Turning onto the hallway where her locker was located, I saw Olivia, alone, with her locker open as she transferred books out of her bag and onto the top shelf of her locker.

“Hey there.” I greeted, walking up to her as I tried to contain a smile, but in the end, the smile won over.

Olivia turned to acknowledge me with a smile, but as soon as she saw the massive grin I was sporting, she knew immediately what I was thinking as a light blush spread across her cheeks. “Hey Jessalyn.” she replied shyly, closing her locker to face me fully.

“So…” I said, edging her on.

“So, what?” she asked in reply, shrugging her shoulders as she tried to act innocent. Her act, however, didn’t exactly work on account of her massive blush that had grown down her cheeks to reach her neck.

I rolled my eyes in disbelief at my friend. “Come on!” I screeched quietly, trying not to gain the attention of our classmates who passed us in the hall. “Tell me how your date went last night!”

Olivia chuckled at my enthusiasm as she shook her head in amusement. “First of all, calm down.” she said with trailing laughter. “And second of all, what do you want to know?” she asked with a small smile on her face.

“Well,” I started, “I want to know what happened last night between you and Evan that is making you smile and blush at just a simple question.”

The side of her mouth lifted up slightly, widening her smile. “Not much happened, just a simple date is all.” she replied vaguely.

“Okay, how about you tell me the truth now.” I stated, rolling my eyes at her attempts to dodge my question.

Olivia bit her lip, containing her smile and nodded reluctantly. “He took me to the beach, as you already know, and there weren’t a whole lot of people there.” she replied as another blush crept up on her cheeks. “Anyways, I was really nervous at the beginning of the night because I knew that I liked him, but I wasn’t sure how he exactly felt about me. I guess my nerves were showing because while we were walking down the beach he grabbed my hand and told me that there was nothing to be nervous about; that we were just having a fun night out.”

“Okay, I get you were nervous, I get it.” I said, waving my hand in front of me. “Now get to the good stuff.” I stated with a smile, containing the urge I had to bounce up and down in excitement.

Obviously Olivia wasn’t annoyed with my reaction, but rather very amused. “Well after my nerves calmed down, he brought me to where he had apparently set up a picnic dinner. It was all really simple and plain, but I thought it was sweet because he had put effort into the date instead of just buying me a burger and fries.” she explained, her blush becoming a little more prominent as she got to the main part of her night.

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