23: Until I Met You

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Chapter 23

For the next two weeks, I was constantly looking for inspiration and ideas for Cason’s gift. I had looked through a bunch of different stores in town and was just waiting for that special something to catch my eye, but nothing seemed to be working. I had even resorted to asking Evan if he knew what Cason would like, but he was no help at all because, according to him Cason and him never really exchanged presents at Christmas, just gag gifts that would give the other a good laugh.

It was now the twenty first of December and I still hadn’t decided what to get Cason, however, I decided to push the constant reminders of that fact to the back of mind as today was a very exciting day; it was the last day of school before Christmas holidays!

Back in my old town, the days that fell before a holiday would just be normal school days with the same amount of work and concentration required throughout the entire day that was required any other day of school. Whether it was because there was so many students or because the principal was an old hag, I was never able to get psyched up for the last day of school.

This morning, however, as I walked up to Olivia’s locker to say good morning I saw that she was celebrating the last day of school by dressing the part. She was wearing knee high white socks that had dark green stripes, a pair of black flats, a cute white set of short overalls over top of a green and red striped shirt and, to top off the outfit, she had put snowflake earrings in and a Santa Claus hat on her head.

My eyes were wide and questioning as I walked up to her. “What are you wearing?” I asked, pulling her attention up from her locker to me.

Instead of answering my question, Olivia’s eyes widened at the sight of me and her jaw dropped. “Where’s your outfit?” she asked in surprise.

Scrunching up my eyebrows in confusion, I replied. “What are you talking about?”

Olivia waved her hands up and down my body. “You’re in your normal clothes, why aren’t you wearing anything festive? It’s the last day of school.” she inquired, stating the obvious once again.

“What does the fact that it’s the last day of school have anything to do with what I decided to wear today?” I asked, still confused about the whole ‘festive wear’ situation.

Olivia sighed, closing her locker with a small amount of frustration and gestured around the halls. “Take a look around.” she stated. As I finally started to notice the other kids wandering the halls, I saw that everyone, not just Olivia, was dressed up in Christmas colours. As my eyes widened at the spirit the students at this school had, Olivia must have realized that I finally understood. “The last day of school before Christmas break is always a day of fun and festivities. Everybody dresses up in green, red, or white, we barely do any work, and the teachers become really chill.” she explained to me.

As I turned back to Olivia, I looked at her accusingly. “And you didn’t think to tell me?” I asked dryly, wondering why she hadn’t mentioned it.

Olivia, who was now realizing that my lack of spirit might have been because I had no idea it was even happening, bit her lip sheepishly and shrugged. “I’m sorry!” she exclaimed apologetically. “It totally slipped my mind that this is your first Christmas here. I would’ve told you if it came up.”

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