15: Until I Met You

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Chapter 15

It turned out that both Olivia and I got extremely lucky that day as our regular teacher had called in sick late this morning, resulting in no substitute as well as no lesson plan. However, do to the fact that we were indeed late to class, we ended up sitting on opposite sides of the room due to the lack of seats.

As the week passed, I guess you could say that things were starting to look up. Although nothing seemingly amazing happened during the week, nothing extremely bad occurred either.

Cason and Evan continued to eat lunch at our table and, even though I now knew that Olivia had feelings for Evan, she went back to dressing like her regular, quirky self after her minor fashion malfunction on Monday. Although, it was very amusing to see Evan greet Olivia at lunch now because I would finally notice the way that her smile brightened slightly at his acknowledgment and the way that her cheeks would turn a very pale shade of pink as she kept a conversation with him.

Honestly, I was hoping that somewhere within his bad boy heart, Evan returned her feelings because, now that I was looking, I genuinely thought they looked adorable together. In some weird way, they completed one another; Olivia was the smart and dorky side that Evan seemed to be lacking and, Evan was the crazy and wild section of the puzzle that Olivia seemed to have misplaced.

Also, when I mentioned to my mom that Olivia and I wanted her to go shopping with us a little ways out of town on Friday night, she was extremely happy that I was branching out and immediately agreed, anxious to actually meet Olivia face to face.

I was a little nervous about how my mom would act around Olivia; wondering if she would come across as overbearing or embarrassing, but honestly, I was just hoping for the best.

When Friday rolled around, I was out of bed and dressed at my usual time, however, as I was brushing my teeth, I heard a vibrating sound coming from my room.

After spitting the excess toothpaste into the sink and rinsing my mouth quickly, I scurried back into my bedroom to see that I had received an early morning text.

Scrunching up my eyebrows, I was trying to figure out who would text me, let alone this early in the morning, however, I got my answer when I saw the name flashing on the screen.


‘You have received a text from Cason’

Even though I remembered that Cason had stored his number in my phone last weekend, I still couldn’t figure out a legitimate reason why he would be texting me.

‘So Jessa, you better be ready soon because I’m picking you up’


That was it; he didn’t give me an explanation and he really didn’t give me a choice. I didn’t mind getting a ride to school, because, for one, it looked like the sun was really beating down on the town today, but I would’ve liked to know what brought on this sudden urge to drive me to school.

I haven’t even eaten yet so, if you still want to give me that drive, you’re going to have to wait a while.’ I texted back, before slipping my phone into my pocket.

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