30: Until I Met You

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Chapter 30

The next week gradually passed with little to no struggle. Sure, I could still hear a lot of the comments some of my classmates were directing towards me but, I tried my hardest to overlook them. I may not have been the strongest person at the beginning of the week however, with the talk Cason gave me and my friends by my side; I managed to get through the week relatively unscathed.

When the bell that signaled the end of the school day rang, I almost sighed with relief. Looking around the room, I noticed that I wasn’t the only one excited for the weekend to start as the people in my class quickly stacked up their books and rushed out of the class.

On the plus side, none of them seemed to be sticking around to interrogate or glare at me.

“So, any big plans for the weekend?” I asked Olivia, who sat beside me as I started to pack up my own books.

Olivia shook her head, not looking at me as she packed up. “Not really,” she replied. “Evan’s coming over for a movie day tomorrow but, other than that there’s nothing major. What about you, do you have a big date with Cason?”

Her question sent both my stomach and my heart into a frenzy as a light pink colour dusted across my cheeks.

“I don’t think so,” I replied to her teasing as I tried to let it not embarrass me. “He mentioned maybe wanting to hang out later tonight but, I don’t think we’re doing anything over the top.”

“Well, text me and maybe we can go to the book store and then to the beach tomorrow like we did at the beginning of the year, you know, before we had boyfriends.” she suggested, smiling at me as she got ready to leave. 

I smiled at her and nodded, liking the sound of a girls day. “Sure, I’ll see if my mom had anything planned and I’ll text you when I know for sure.” I responded happily.

“Okay, well I’m gonna go but have fun tonight.” she said, heading towards the class door.

“You too.”

With one final wave, Olivia disappeared from my view as she left the classroom and headed towards her locker. Noticing I was the only one left in the room, besides the teacher who sat at the front desk, I quickly picked up the remaining things I had laying on my desk and headed out of the room after a final farewell to my teacher. 

Just as I was stuffing my books and supplies into my locker, packing the things I need for the weekend in my bag, I felt a pair of hands suddenly pinch the sides of my stomach – making me jump about a foot in the air in shock and surprise.

When I heard a familiar laugh coming from the person behind me, I turned around slightly as I stared flatly at him. “Really Cason?”

Cracking a smile, he didn’t reply as he just leant down and pecked my lips quickly. “You know you’re not mad.” he said softly.

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