Chapter 3: Leaving for the Holidays

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Entering the Mirror Chamber, Ruggie calls out, "Hey, guys! You can stop standing in the middle of the hall and blocking traffic now!"

Everyone turns to see Ruggie walking towards them and he is carrying a lot of luggage.

Shocked, Deuce asks, "Ruggie? Wait, what's with all that luggage?! A backpack, three duffel bags, and a giant cooler..."

Confused, Briar asks, "What's all that stuff for?"

"Oh, this?" Ruggie questions.

He snickers and says, "Shyeheehee. I took all the food that was about to hit its sell-by date at the cafeteria and the school store. Since we're about to go on break, they gave 'em to me basically for free."

"For real?" Ace asks in shock, "There's no way you can eat all that."

"You'd be surprised," Ruggie replies.

Then says, "The neighborhood kids devour this stuff like, well...a pack of hyenas. Besides, gotta make sure my grandma eats well over the holidays. Speakin' of which, this frozen food ain't stayin' frozen for long. Gotta run! Smell ya next year!" and runs off to the Dark Mirror.

"There he goes..." Deuce says,

And questions, "What was that about 'neighborhood kids,' though?"

"Yeah. What was that about?" Jasper asks.

Just then, Jack walks over and says, "Ruggie comes from a place where food is a bit scarce. So whenever school lets out for a long break, he stocks up on all the food he can get and shares it with the local kids.

"Oh, hi Jack," Briar says.

"Hello," Sereia replies.

"Hey," Jack says.

"I'm guessing you're heading back home too, huh," Briar says.

Jack nods his head in reply.

Then Ace asks, "What about you, Jack? What's with that planter you're hauling? You taking up gardening or something?"

"It's a cactus I've been growin' in my free time. It'd wither up if I didn't keep it watered over break. A-anyway, enough about me!" Jack says.

Then Grim says, "Ruggie's sharin' his food with a bunch of kids who ain't even family, huh? Never knew he had it in him."

"Hyenas believe in sharing spoils equally. I'm sure that's how Ruggie was raised," Jack says.

Just then, Leona comes by.

He huffs, "Hmph. The mere thought of a feeding frenzy like that gives me the willies. I can barely stand the noise one kid makes as it is."

"Does that mean you're skipping out on visiting your family, Leona?" Jack questions.

But Leona says, "Man, I wish. Nah, they'd give me no end of grief if I did. I'm goin'." And adds with an annoyed expression, "Ugh, talk about a holiday chore."

"But you're not bringing anything?" Jack questions.

"So? I got my wallet and smartphone. What else do I need? I've got clothes at home anyway," Leona answers.

"This's a whole different kind of extreme," Grim replies.

"You're not even bringing your homework, are you?" Ace questions.

Leona says, "Homework can wait until after break. Holidays are for resting. Later, herbivores."

And leaves the scene.

"He's good enough to do anything when he applies himself, so why doesn't he?" Jack says.

Briar sighs, "I guess that's one way of looking at it."

Then Jack says, "Well, I know I'll be getting mine done. You guys had better do the same. Later."

"Bye Jack," Briar says.

Then Jack leaves.

"Whatever you say, try hard. See you next year, huh?" Ace says.

Then Deuce says, "Leona's commitment to his principles is actually impressive.

Just then, Cater and Trey arrive.

Cater says, "Okay, froshes! Don't let those bad boy upperclassmen give you any bad ideas, you hear?"

"In our dorm, if you don't turn in your homework, Riddle makes sure it's off with your head," Trey says.

Ace smiles and says, "Hey, Trey. Hey, Cater."

Ugh. Going home is kind of a drag for me, too. I just know my sisters are both coming home. They don't care if it's the holidays—they'll run me ragged anyway. I wish I could stay over at your house instead, Trey!" Cater says.

But Trey says, "You'd be welcome to, but we'd be running you just as ragged. Winter is the patisserie's busiest time of the year."

"Oh yeah, your family runs one of those, huh? So much for any escape," Cater replies.

Just then, Riddle walks over, and he doesn't seem very eager.

Deuce quick;y notices him, "Erk! Housewarden Rosehearts! Sorry for blocking the way!"

"Hm?" Riddle replies, and looks to notice the group.

Riddle says, "Oh, it's you boys. If you're going to stand around and congregate, at least stay near a wall."

Grim notices the expression on Riddle's face and says, "Huh, he's soundin' kinda defeated."

Briar walks over and asks, "What's wrong Riddle? You don't look very happy."

Soon, Ace remembers and says, "Oh, right. The housewarden's got an extreme case of helicopter parenting waiting for him at home. No wonder he's not enthused about heading back."

"Oh right, it's about your mom," Briar says.

Riddle nods his head, "Yes. It is."

Trey says to Riddle, "Riddle, I'm not allowed in your house, so I won't be able to bring by any cakes... But you're always welcome to visit me at the store. I'm sure Chenya will drop by to hang out, too."

"Yes, you're right," Riddle says, "I think...I'm going to try talking with Mother some. I don't know if she'll listen, but even so."

"...All right. Good luck," Trey says.

Suddenly, Floyd walks over and asks with a smile, "What's a matter, Goldfishie? Don't wanna go home?"

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