Chapter 12: Inconvenient Vacation

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Before the Ramshackle Dorm Students can do anything, the Scarabia Students end up grabbing them. Even Trinket ends up getting captured by them before she can fly away. Two of them have to restrain Grim from running away.

"Settle down and submit quiety, you gray little street rat!" The Scarabia student says.

"Gray I'll give you, but I ain't no street rat! LEMME GO!" Grim screams as he tries to break free.

A second student says, "Argh, stop struggling! Back to your room with you!"

Jasper tries to kick the student, "Let us go or I'll knock your block off!"

The Ramshackle Students continue to struggle to break free, but the Scarabia Students practically force them back in the Vacant room.

One student shouts, "Now stay inside and don't give us any more trouble!"

Fallen to the floor, Grim yelps, "Owww! You don't gotta swing me around by the scruff of my neck!"

"Looks like the dorm patrol neglected to lock their room door," A Scarabia student says.

Another student says, "Hmph. You'd better not forget to do it this time! If the housewarden found out someone got away, can you imagine what he'd do to us?

"No kidding..." The first student says.

Then the other student says to Briar and the others, "Remember, any more funny business and you won't get off so easily next time!" and slams the door.

Suddenly, they hear the clicking sound and footsteps leaving the room.

Grim rushes to the door and cries out, "HEY! Let me out!"

Tanzanite and Jasper do the same and try to get the door open.

"The door ain't budgin'," Jasper screams.

Briar and Sereia try to help, but the door still won't budge.

"We're locked in!" Briar says.

"They're treating us like prisoners," Sereia says, feeling scared.

"You got that right! I'm gonna have a word or three with Jamil in the morning," Grim angrily says.

"We gotta get out of this dorm! We can't stay here!" Jasper says.

Just then, Grim remembers, "Oh yeah. Briar, you got that handy little gizmo from the headmage, right?"

"You mean the smartphone, right?" Briar asks.

"Yeah! Use that and fill him in on what Scarabia's doin'!" Grim says.

"Right," Briar says and takes out the phone.

Then Briar begins to call Crowley.

"Do you think he'll answer?!" Sereia asks.

"He has to! We're really in trouble!" Tanzanite says.

"Put it on speaker, Briar," Jasper says.

Briar dials the number and puts the phone on speaker.

Soon, Crowley's voice appears on the phone, "Hello, you've reached Crowley."

"Yo, Headmage! While you've been out, we've gotten into a whole heap of trouble!" Grim cries out.

But Crowley's voice continues, "This phone is presently off for the duration of my tropical vaca—*AHEM*—I mean, my vital investigation. Please leave a message at the tone. I'll respond if I feel so inclined. Aren't I just the kindest?"

Grim screams in disbelief, "Oh, COME ON! You literally just started to say "vacation." You're not even tryin' to hide it! What's the point of givin' us this lousy thing if we can't reach you with it?! You really take the cake, Crowley, you know that?!"

Soon the phone goes beep.

Then Briar hangs up the phone.

"Looks like Crowley is not going to be any helpful to us," Jasper says.

Then mutters, "No surprises there."

"Now what?" Tanzanite asks.

"I'll text Ace and Deuce and let them know what's going on," Briar says and begins to message them on the text messages.

"Not that they'll be much help anyway..." Grim says.

"I'm not sure what they can do, but maybe we can at least let them know that we're in trouble and they can find some way to help us," Briar says.

Briar then finishes with the text message and sends it.

"There, I sent the message. All we have to do is wait for them to reply," Briar says.

"But what do we do in the meantime?" Sereia asks.

"Well, the best we can do is endure this duration and stay at the Scarabia Dorm. Maybe during this time we can learn more about Kalim's strange behavior," Briar says.

"I hope we can figure this out," Tanzanite says.

"Me too. For now, let's all get to sleep," Briar says.

Soon, the boys take one bed while the girls take the others.

Grim sighs with a depressed expression, "Who can sleep knowing what's waiting for us tomorrow?"

"Well, it's best we get some sleep. We're going to have one rough day tomorrow," Jasper says.

Briar yawns as she lies down, "Night guys."

"Night!" Everyone replies.

Soon, everyone turns in for the night to get some sleep.

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