Chapter 41: A Poisonous Preview

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The next day, in the Ramshackle Dorm, everyone is soon beginning to wake up as the new day sun shines in the room.

Briar lets out a yawn and says, "Morning everyone."

"Morning," The twins reply.

"Good morning," Sereia says.

Then Grim wakes up with a yawn, "That was the best sleep I've had in ages."

"Morning Grim," Briar says.

Then Grim climbs up the bed and looks at her with an annoyed expression, "Hey, Briar. You stepped on my tail while I was sleepin' last night, didn't you?"

"Oh, um yeah. Sorry about that. I just had to uh, take care of something," Briar says.

"Well, watch where you're walkin' from now on, would ya?" Grim says.

"Um sure," Briar replies.

Then she says in thought, "So Mickey wasn't just a dream after all... If that's true, then, where does the other side of that mirror lead?

Confused, Grim asks, "What're you gawkin' at me for? You are SO weird sometimes." He then smiles and says, "Anyway, it's back to fire-tendin' duty for us today. We should drop by Scarabia for some grub afterwards!"

"Um yeah, It will be nice to see Kalim and Jamil again," Briar says.

"And we can bring them something," Sereia happily says.

"Good idea," Briar says.

And so holiday vacation came to an end... January

Winter vacation has come and gone, and a new year and school day is starting.

Briar and the others are walking into Main Street to start another part of the school year. Just then, they run into Ace and Deuce

Ace calls out, "Heya, guys. Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Years!" Briar says

"I see you guys all the time, but it feels like it's been years, for some reason," Deuce says.

Grim smirks and says, "Nyeh heh! Clearly you missed me over break."

Suddenly, someone walks over towards them.

That someone is Jack and he says, "Oi. Don't stand around blocking traffic."

Ace turns to Jack and is surprised to see him, "Whoa, Jack! Did you get a tan?

"Did I?" Jack questions, "I spent most of my holidays skiing, so it might be from that."

"Huh, it snows a lot where you're from?" Ace asks.

Grim asks in excitement, "What's skiing? I wanna try it!"

"Grim, stop trotting around underfoot!" Deuce sternly says.

Suddenly, someone bumps into him from behind

A boy yelps, "Ah..."

Deuce and the others turn to see another first year. Briar remembers seeing him before. If she remembers, the boy's name is Epel.

Deuce turns to the boy and says, "Whoops, sorry about that! You okay?"

Suddenly, Epel begins to sniffle and shows signs that he's been crying or upset.

"Wh-whoa! Y-you're...crying?!" Deuce asks, shocked.

Just then, Ace shouts, "Profeeessooor! Deuce is bullying a kid from another class and making him cry!"

"That's not funny, Ace!" Deuce angrily says.

Then turns to Epel and asks in concern, "Did I hurt you that badly? I am SO sorry. Here, lean on my shoulder. I'll get you to the nurse's office."

Epel suddenly says, "Rgh... Dagnabbit..."

"Huh? Dag-what...?" Deuce says, confused.

Epel realizes his slip up, "Ngh!" and runs off.

"Aaand he's gone," Ace says.

Then Jack says, "He's in my class. If I remember right, he's from Pomefiore Dorm. His name's Epel Felmier."

"Epel from Pomefiore..." Deuce says, confused.

"I think I remember him when we went to investigate Rook during the Spelldrive fiasco," Briar says.

"I also remember seeing him at the cafeteria too," Tanzanite says.

Jasper snickers, "You mean when Deuce and Grim thought he was a girl?"

"You're really going to bring that up?" Grim questions with a frown.

Meanwhile, in the Poemfiore Dorm Ballroom, Vil seems rather frustrated with something

"So, he got away," Vil says.

And calls out, "Rook! Are you there, Rook?"

Soon, walking into the ballroom is Rook Hunt.

"You called, Roi du Poison?" Rook asks.

"Capture him and bring him here. Now," Vil answers in a stern tone.

"Oui. As you wish, my liege," Rook answers, and leaves the ballroom to find Rook

With a frown, Vil says, "I'll never let you escape... I'll stop at nothing to be the fairest of them all."

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