Chapter 20: On the Seafloor

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Soon enough, Briar and the others climb on the magic carpet and are ready to take off.

"Alright carpet, take us out of here," Briar says.

Soon, the magic carpet flies them out of the window and up into the clouds.

Grim cheers, "WOO-HOO! We made it! See ya, suckers! FREEDOOOOOM!"

"This is fun!" Jasper says.

Meanwhile, the Scarabia student patrol runs outside to see Briar and the others on the carpet.

One of them is quick to notice, "Ah! Look over there—they're riding the housewarden's magic carpet!"

The second student says in shock, "First they break out, then they rob us? The housewarden will never let us hear the end of it if he finds out!"

"We have to seize them!" The third student cries out.

Then he and the others chase after them as the student cries out, "Hold it right there, thieves!"

Up on the carpet Grim laughs, "Nyeh heh heh! If you wanna catch us, try learnin' to fly first!"

"Yeah! Learn how to fly before you go chasing after magic carpets!" Jasper calls out.

"Now we just need to get back to the Ramshackle Dorm," Sereia says.

Then Tanzanite asks, "By the way, how do you steer this carpet?

"Steer it? Uhhh, I think Kalim took hold of the corner tassels and tugged at 'em like this..." Grim says, and tugs on tassels

However, it's proven to be a big mistake, "Myah!

And soon enough, the carpet begins to fly fast and out of control.

Grim screams, "Hey! Less with the 360, more with the fly quickly!"

The carpet continues to fly out of control.

Grim screams, "GYAAAH! The world is spinning! Someone make it stooop!"

"Grim, be careful!" Briar cries out.

"I'm trying!" Grim screams.

The carpet continues to fly crazy and out of the dorm.

The student cries out, "They're going outside the dorm! After them, quick!"

Soon, the carpet begins to fly all over the place. The Scarabia students try to catch them, but the carpet is flying too high and too fast.

Grim screams, "AAAH! We're gonna crash right into the mirror!"

"Everyone, HANG OOOOON!" Briar cries out.

Soon, the carpet flies out of the mirror and into the Hall of Mirrors. They fly around and end up flying into a different dormitory mirror. And soon, everyone crashes into something.

Grim reacts, "MroooOOOooow..."

Everyone is soon moaning and groaning from the crash landing.

Dizzy, Briar asks, "Where are we?

Suddenly, they hear the sound of lights being turned on.

Briar and the others get a close look of where they end up, turns out, they end up in the Monstro Lounge of the Octavinelle Dorm. Soon, Jade and Floyd walk over.

Jade replies, "Well, well. What have we here? Patrons in search of a little midnight snack, perhaps?

"Aw, maaan. I was totally ready to squeeze any burglars here to nab our food supplies. It's just the little Shrimpy, Seal, Angel Fish, Twin Catfish, and little Plankton. Laaame," Floyd says, very disappointed.

"Wha...? What're you guys doin' here?" Grim asks.

"Didn't we already go over this? We can't go home over winter break because of ice floes, remember?" Floyd replies.

Grim quickly asks, "Wait, so we're in Octavinelle?!"

"Yes. Inside the Mostro Lounge, to be precise," Jade says.

Hearing that brings a big relief to Briar and the others.

Grim happily cheers, "We... WE MADE IT! Finally, we've broken outta that awful prison!"

"A prison? Care to elaborate?" Jade questions.

Then Floyd asks, "And what's this rectangular flounder-lookin' guy?

Soon, the carpet flies up.

"It looks a lot like Kalim's magic carpet," Jade says.

Briar sighs and says, "It's a very long story. You see..."

Before Briar can answer, the Scarabia students appear.

One student shouts, "There's no escape for you now, thieves!"

"Surrender quietly!" The second student says.

Grim panics, "Mrow?! You chased us all the way here?! You guys are seriously stubborn, you know that?"

"And it looks like we're in trouble now," Tanzanite says worried.

Suddenly, Azul walks over and asks, "What's all the commotion at this late hour?"

Seeing Azul has the students in a panic.

A student says, stunned, "You're Azul Ashengrotto, the housewarden of Octavinelle!

"Would you care to explain what's going on here?" Azul questions

One of the students says to Azul, "It's none of Octavinelle's business. Just hand over the six of them quietly."

Grim and Sereia quickly hide behind Briar as Trinket hides in Briar's hair.

"Now that I'm looking closer, would that be Briar and her group sprawled out and quivering on our floor? They looked so dingy, I thought they were a bunch of dustcloths," Azul questions.

"Hey!" Jasper says, upset and offended.

"There's a story behind this that goes deeper than the sea..." Tanzanite says.

"Please help us!" Sereia cries out.

"We really could use your help, Azul," Briar says.

"...Hmmm," Azul replies.

Then one of the students angrily says, "If you refuse to hand them over, you'll be party to their wrongdoing as well.

"Hey, are you yankin' my tail here? Who do you think you're talking to?" Floyd questions, making a scary face.

Then Azul says, "No fighting of any kind is permitted in the Mostro Lounge. This is a place for gentlemen."

"What was that? You're interfering?" The first Scarabia student questions.

Then the second one says, "Fine. We'll just do this the hard way!

Azul crosses his arms and huffs, "Hmph. I think it's time we asked these ill-mannered patrons to leave. Jade. Floyd. Show them the door.

"Yes, sir. / On it," Jade & Floyd answer.

And soon enough, Jade and Floyd approach the Scarabia students and are ready to show them out of the Monstro Lounge. The hard and aggressive way.

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