Chapter 22: Unwanted Additions

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The next day at the Scarabia dorm, the student patrol is discussing what they need to do about last night's situation.

One Scarabia student says in frustration, "I still can't believe the Ramshackle pair fled to Octavinelle."

"And they stole the magic carpet. If the housewarden were to find out about this... Rrgh, what do we do?" The second student asks, frustrated.

Then the first student answers, "I think we'd better take this to Vice Housewarden Jamil to start with."

Just then, Azul, Briar, and their groups arrive on the scene.

Azul calls out, Hello, gentlemen. Mind if we pop by?

"Good GRAVY, it's hot here. Feels like the middle of summer," Floyd replies.

The Scarabia student flinch to see Azul and the Leech Twins

One student cries out, "You're the Octavinelle guys who gave us a thrashing last night!"

"What do you want with Scarabia?" The second student asks, frightened.

Azul says, "Permit me to apologize for what transpired last evening. It looked as though you were bullying defenseless animals. I stood up for them on the spot, out of the goodness of my heart. But after I heard their story... It became clear to me that the six Ramshackle residents were thieves who had made off with Scarabia's magic carpet. Once I realized my mistake, I took personal responsibility for the matter. I apprehended the criminals... And I came here to return the magic carpet to its rightful owner."

Grim grumbles, "Rgh... It ain't fair, I tell ya..."

"As long as it helps us get back inside," Sereia whispers.

"We can only hope it works," Briar whispers.

The carpet begins moving in reply.

"W-well, uh..." The student says nervously.

The other student says, "Thank you for"

Suddenly, Jamil walks over and says, "Guys. It's about time for morning training. If you're late, Kalim will..." And becomes startled, "Gh?!" to see Azul and the twins.

"Why, Jamil! Hello there. How are you?" Azul replies with a smile.

Trying to remain calm, Jamil asks, "Azul Ashengrotto...and the Leech brothers as well? What are you doing here?"

"Our home isn't the most hospitable place in the wintertime," Jade answers.

So we spend our holidays in the dorm! Aha ha!" Floyd adds.

"Wh... What?" Jamil asks, confused.

Then Azul asks, "By the way, where might Kalim be? I'm here to return his magic carpet to him."

"Er, ah... If you need to deliver something, I'll take it to him," Jamil says, and plans to take the carpet.

But Azul says, "Oh, but I insist! This magic carpet is a legendary artifact on par with national treasures. If it were discovered to be damaged later, Octavinelle would be held liable. We can't have that, now, can we? I would prefer to hand it to Kalim in person and have him assess its condition firsthand."

"Kalim wouldn't care even if it was damaged. Let me take it off your hands, okay?" Jamil says.

However, Azul insisted, "Worry not–I won't even ask for my standard twenty percent finder's fee.

"Consider that our way of apologizing for our uncouth behavior towards Scarabia last night," Jade says.

And Floyd says, "We also brought a seafood pizza as a little present. You wouldn't want it to get cold, wouldja?"

"The point is, I would MUCH prefer to deliver it in person. He's awake by now, I trust?" Azul says.

No, really, he's not feeling up for any..." Jamil says.

But Azul and the others walk inside the dorm anyway.

Jamil calls out, "Hey! You can't just barge in, Azul!

Jade turns to Briar, "Shall we, Briar?

"You'd better keep up," Floyd says.

"Um okay," Briar says, and follows the twins.

Sereia follows along with the dwarf twins, Trinket, and Grim.

Jasper mutters, "This is so much nicer when I'm not on the receiving end of it."

"Yeesh, these Octavinelle guys are so pushy when they wanna be..." Grim says, annoyed.

"I agree," Jasper says.

"At least we managed to get inside. We just need to wait and see what happens from there," Briar says.

Now Briar and the others, including the Octavinelle students are able to enter the Scarabia Dorm.

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