Chapter 2.86 - Unexpected

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*After you send off all the letters you go outside while Carlos is leaving you because he has an important appointment. You decide to take a walk at the harbour and grab a cup of coffee to go. When you got your coffee and your reached the harbour you just stroll around until your reach Charles boat. For a moment you're just standing in front of it. You look at the boat and think about how much you just want to leave Monaco right now... with him. Just to take talk, laugh and see new things. When you decide to turn around and go back home you bump into someone.*

Y/N: "Sorry."

*You look up to see who you bumped into.*

?: "Second time today."

Y/N: "Sorry Charles. I wasn't... It was... I'm just sorry."

*You get around him to leave but he takes your hand in his and you turn around once more. While he starts talking you can feel him drawing with his finger on your palm. You know he's doing this unintentionally, but it feels good.*

Charles: "What are you doing here?"

Y/N: "I was just going for a walk."

Charles: "No I mean what are you doing here in front of my boat."

Y/N *confused and angry about his question*: "I'm sorry. I will avoid your boat but this is a public path so I guess it's up to me to be here."

*With that you take your hand out of his.*

Charles: "I didn't mean it like this Y/N. I just wanted to know what you were thinking? Because you were just standing there watching the boat."

Y/N: "Nothing important. I better should leave now."

Charles: "Yes I know because of Christian."

Y/N: "No not because of Christian. It's because of myself and for the record I'm not working for RBR anymore."

*With that you leave him standing there but after a few moments he's running after you and catches you when you just want to cross the street.*

Charles: "Y/N wait. You're what?"

Y/N: "I already wanted to tell you earlier but you were so eager to get away from me that I didn't had the chance to."

Charles: "So you really don't work for RBR anymore?"

Y/N: "No."

Charles: "Why?"

Y/N: "Because it didn't felt right and I guess I made that decision way earlier but I was thinking too much about it and about the consequences to tell anyone even myself."

Charles: "You wanna come to the boat so we can talk."

*You nod and then you follow him to his boat. When you're on the boat, you go inside and take a seat.*

Charles: "When did you leave RBR?"

Y/N: "This morning. Why?"

Charles: "I'll be right back. Please don't leave."

*You can hear in his voice that he's a little bit excited, but also afraid that you're going to leave when he just gets out of the room for a minute.*

Y/N: "I'll stay."

Charles: "Thank you."

*With that he leaves the room. After about 10 minutes he returns to the living room of the boat and right when he's standing in the door frame you can hear your phone ringing. He's smiling at you brightly while you take a look who's calling you. It's a number you don't know.*

Y/N: "I'll just call back later. So where were we?"

Charles: "You really should take that call Y/N."

*You look at him curious.*

Charles: "Believe me. Please take that call."

*You take the phone out of your bag and take the call while Charles is still standing in the door frame smiling at you.*

Y/N: "Hello?"

?: "Hello? Is there Y/N?"

Y/N: "Yes. Who am I speaking to?"

?: "It's Mattia. Mattia Binotto."

Y/N: "Oh hello sir. How can I help?"

Mattia: "Charles just called me...."

*You take a look at Charles.*

Mattia: "And he told me you quite at RBR?"

Y/N: "Yes I did Sir. This morning actually."

Mattia: "Good. Very good. Actually Y/N I was watching you all the time you were working at RBR. I saw how much more sells they had in the merchandise area since you did their socials and I was really impressed about the photos you made also the once from Charles."

Y/N: "How?"

Mattia: "He didn't show me. He just told me that you quite at RBR because I told him he should call me if he gets to know that you're available. I even told him he should try to convince you to join Ferrari and leave RBR."

*In that moment Charles leaves you alone with Mattia on the phone.*

Y/N: "Oh ok. I thought he tried to convince you to give me a job."

Mattia: "Not at all. He didn't even say your name. I was the one who asked him about you and if you plan to leave RBR. When he told me about the meeting you had with Christian and you're possible leaving RBR, I told him to immediately call me when you're really done with RBR."

Y/N: "Thank you sir, but I really don't get why you tell me all of that."

Mattia: "You're talented Y/N. You make pictures with which you catch the people. You post at the exact right time and as with RBR you increased their income in the merchandise sector without posting the merchandise directly in their socials."

Y/N: "Thank you sir."

Mattia: "What I actually wanted to do was to ask you if you'd like to work for Ferrari in the future. You would have the same salary as with RBR, the same work times and we pay the hotel and the flight for you if you're flying solo with an airline. We would also love to welcome you in Maranello and show you the factory. You're interested?"

Y/N: "Sure I'm interested. I just send off an application for a job at Ferrari this morning, but..."

Mattia: "I don't like the but Y/N."

*After about 20 minutes you hung up the phone call and you're going to search for Charles. You found him on the roof of the boat. Meanwhile the sun is going down and he just sits there starring at the ocean.*

Y/N: "Charles?"

*He turns around when he hears your voice and you take a seat next to him.*

Charles: "And what did Mattia say?"

Y/N: "You knew about it?"

Charles: "Yes he told me he has to call you immediately before someone else is calling you. Did he offer you a job?"

*You nod.*

Charles: "Did you take the job?"


Feedback is always welcome. :)

Did Y/N take the job at Ferrari or is she waiting if she gets other opportunities? What will happen between Y/N and Charles are they friends again? Did Mattia really just call her because he wanted to or did Charles intervene? Do we find out about the sponsoring with the jewelry store and will Y/N also get the opportunity to work with them?

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