Part 13

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'I just heard that how Mahi bhai was unsure about the proofs. But why? Why would I lie? I was just telling the truth. All I did was to save him! Did I break him so much that he is second guessing himself and confused to trust me? Was my act so convincing that Mahi bhai actually believed that I wanted the captaincy? May be there is a deeper relation with that guy in the past which is making bhai confused and unsure! He is my Mahi bhai but he is also a human, he can be confused for once ', Virat thought while staring the ceiling.

Rohit and Mahi just went to doctor to check how soon can he get discharged and other formalities.

'Oye, where are you lost? All the formalities are done, we can go back to the hotel now', Rohit informed him.

'Is it paining somewhere?', Mahi asked softly seeing him little lost.

'Just the ribs', Virat said in a low voice.

He tried to get up but Rohit immediately helps him to stand up and he puts his arm around to support him. Mahi walks with them to the car and opens the door for Virat.

It was almost morning when they arrived at the hotel. Rohit took Virat to his room.

Juniors called Rohit and he went to them because Virat didn't want anyone to panic about his accident. Now Mahi and Virat were in the room.

Mahi was first time nervous to speak to Virat. The reason for that was the confusion he had and how he fumbled to say that he trusts him but he is just not sure at the moment about the whole situation.

'Do you need something', Mahi asked softly.

Virat looked away from him and nodded in no.

Mahi saw how he was giving silent treatment to him. He deserves it. He sat beside him and made him lay down properly.

'U really don't trust me?', Virat asked in a low voice.

Mahi sighed at that and replied, 'Cheeku, I trust you. Means honestly I was confused because I couldn't understand why suddenly you were behaving like that with me. I knew somewhere there may be fine reason but I was not sure.'

'And what about that person and the proofs I have', Virat asked.

Mahi didn't answer anything on that.

'Bhai aapko nahi lagta that Shekhar can do something like this?', Virat asked hesitantly after sometime as he received silent response.

'Can we not talk about this now?', Mahi asked.

'Ok', Virat replied and then closed his eyes to get some rest. Rohit came back and Mahi left the room.

Rohit sat beside Virat, 'I know you are not asleep! Kya hua?', he asked softly.

'I was just thinking that person didn't call yet. He would surely know about you being with me. I am alive. But still didn't call-- what is he planning?', Virat asked worriedly.

'Vi don't you worry now. We will see what we have to do! Let us get more proofs from Robert and then we will get into action. For now just rest and get better', Rohit said softly.

'Will bhai never talk to me again like before?', he asked with moist eyes.

Rohit caressed his hair, 'it's not like that Vi! It's new information for bhai too. He was his friend, he told me. So this may be confusing for him too'

Virat just closes his eyes feeling tired. Rohit sat beside him as he would not feel alone.


'What proofs do you have?', Shekhar called Virat in the evening as he got the information that he was alone in the room.

'Why should I reveal it to you? You made me do all those things, now you will see what Virat Kohli can do", Virat threatened him.

'I know what you did and how many years of prison it can give you', Virat added to that.

'You are just bluffing', he replied though hearing Virat's tone he was scared a bit.

'Sure, whatever you believe! I am coming for you, remember that', Virat said dangerously and hanged up the call.

Mahi came into the room to check on him. Virat looked at him and all Mahi could see was-- 'you don't trust me anymore' look on Virat's face.

'Aapko kuch chahiye tha?', Virat asked seeing him silent.

Mahi sat beside him, said softly, 'no I came to check on you'

'I am okay, you dont need to worry', Virat replied as he was still hurt by his words. He tried explaining himself a lot that Mahi bhai can also be confused but was always failing miserably.

'Cheeku', Mahi called but Virat turned his face away.

Mahi having no option cupped his cheeks with his hands and made Virat look at him.

'kya?', he asked like a baby.

Mahi just hugged him tightly finally coming into terms with that he was wrong and his Cheeku protected him.

Virat was surprised but in a sec he returned the hug clinging to him. Mahi ran fingers through his hair which only caused Virat to lean more into him feeling that warmth after days.

'Maine aapko bahot miss kiya', he said as tears flew from his eyes.

Mahi hugged him tighter, 'I missed you too my bacha, I missed you very much! I thought you don't want me anymore in your life'

'That is never gonna happen! Even if die, I will haunt you for life', Virat says rubbing his tears on his tshirt.

'Dont say things like that', Mahi scolded him to which he just lay his head on chest cuddling him.


'Ha Cheeku?'

'What happened between you and Shekhar? What kind of friend he was to you?', Virat asked in low voice.

Mahi sighed knowing that he has to share it with him and he was the only person he could share it with. As Virat had dealt so much because of that person, he had to tell him.


Hi, Here is the next update.

It is bit of a filler chapter. Still I hope you like it. Drop your comments and in-line reactions on how you like the chapter.

I will try my best to give you updates as soon as possible. It's just my job schedule has changed and became more hectic now. So I can't be that regular with updates. Just slowly I will complete this and all my other stories! I hope you understand.

See you soon, happy reading.

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