Part 19

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At the hotel Mahi was searching for Rohit and Virat.. he had no idea where they went! He tried calling Rohit at first but his phone was not reaching.. he called Virat and finally it was picked up..

"Cheeku where are you? And is Ro with you? You both okay? Aise bina bole Kaha chale Gaye tum dono.. hello.. cheeks.. say something kiddo? U okay? Ur ribs? Cheeku??"

Mahi asked worriedly but there was no response but only heavy breathing which he could hear...

"Heard that breathing Mahi... it's ur Cheeku taking his last breaths... and soon ur Ro will too!!"


Mahi whispered horrified...

"Vi open your eyes please... Vi can you hear me?? Please say something Viiii"

Mahi could hear Ro pleading Virat to open his eyes...

"Shekhar have you gone mad or what? Ha? Why are you torturing my kids when u need me? I will come there but leave my kids out of this. What's wrong with you? I can't believe you have become like this.."

"Mahi you know stop your lecture and come here if you want your kids alive..."

Shekhar said annoyed with his lecture and hanged up the call..

Before Mahi could leave from hotel to that location he got call from an unknown number.

"MS speaking..."

"Hello MS sir, this is Robert... I am Virat sir's friend"

Mahi remembered Virat taking his name..

"Yes Robert tell me"

"Actually Virat sir told me to...."

Mahi listened everything carefully and felt so lucky at that moment to have Cheeku in his life who would care so much about Mahi before thinking about himself.

"Thank you so much Robert!!"

Mahi reached the place and entered inside only to see Shekhar hurting his Cheeku and Rohit pleading him.

"I am here..."

He said which stopped Shekhar and surprisingly Virat opened his eyes listening to that voice..

"Bhai... what... are... you... doing... here?? Go... from... here...he... please go... please"

Virat pleaded seeing him there...

"Bhai Virat is right.... Please go from here..."

Rohit said feeling tired and exhausted about everything...

Mahi smiled at their care...

"Don't worry Cheeku and Ro.. he will not even touch me!!"

"And why are you so confident about that??"

Shekhar asked...

"Check your phone..."

Shekhar took out his phone which was switched off till now... he turned it on and it was flooded with notifications and calls..


Shekhar former Ranji player not only faked his suicide but was also involved in illegal activities. His Main aim to get into Indian team was to fix matches with the bookies. Which he has been doing since state level days.. police is searching for him as this proofs has been submitted against him..

Shekhar could not believe as Virat was here and only he had the proofs.. all he could hear was the police sirens..

"What are you thinking?? How these proofs got out as Virat is here??"

Mahi asked seeing his shocked face..

"So unlike you... my Cheeku and Ro cares for me!! They didn't fake their relation with me... my Cheeku had arranged all this because he knew how u are gonna use his weakness that is us me and Ro... and he was ready to sacrifice himself as Ro was also ready to do that for me.... This is what I have earned... I considered you as my friend... I thought u died... I cried so much... and guess what my kids were comforting me without asking any reason... they didn't knew back then... but u didn't deserve all this... u deserve this..."

he saw Mahi standing before him... he looked into his eyes and saw a very different Mahi infront of him... his eyes were igniting fire..

Mahi held his collar and punched him... police had arrived too..

He punched him again... "this is for hurting my Ro..."

Next punch on the nose... "this is for blackmailing my Cheeku and hurting him.."

Slap... "this is for faking ur friendship with me... breaking my trust"

Mahi held his neck and digged his nails into his skin choking him to death almost seeing Virat and Rohit loosing consciousness... it broke his heart...

"Sir leave him he will die... sir leave him to us.. ambulance is outside.. please attend Rohit sir and Virat sir"

officer said seeing Mahi ready to kill him...

Hearing that Mahi rushed to Rohit and Virat... he freed Rohit first and then Virat.. Rohit was a bit more stable than Virat.. as soon as Mahi freed Virat.. he held him close to him as he was ready to fall.. officer took Rohit to the ambulance and Mahi and other officer took Virat as he was barely aware of anything...which was scaring Mahi a lot.

They reached the hospital... Virat and Rohit were taken for treatment. Mahi called the bhuvi and told him to come to the hospital.

The whole team arrived and saw Mahi sitting there tensed.. before anyone could ask anything to him.. doctor came out of the room who was treating both Rohit and Virat...

"How are they? Are they okay? Everything is normal right..."

Mahi asked him being all worried about both of them.. Bhuvi kept his hand on his shoulder to calm him that the doctor could answer his questions.

"Mr. Dhoni .. both of them have severe wounds and have lost lot of blood.. for Rohit he is critical due to the blood loss.. we need him to atleast wake up in two hours or so... otherwise he might slip into coma."

Mahi was shocked about that information... he was only hoping now that Virat would be okay.. pls god!

"For Virat.. his head had a severe blow with a metal object which had caused him internal bleeding... the problem is he is not responding to our treatment and if he doesn't for next 24 hours then I am afraid we might loose him... excuse me!!"

Saying this doctor left and Mahi was rooted in his place... team was shocked as well as they didn't know a single thing.. so much was happening that anyone would hardly process it...

Mahi was broken, disturbed and could not think anything.. his both the kids were in this state because they were protecting him..


Hi with the next update!! I hope u like it... drop ur comments and in-line reactions on how u like it..

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