Part 18

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"Finally the day has arrived... when I am gonna get selected in the team and now I will be with Mahi.. no one can get close to him now... not his so called Cheeku or Ro!!! How can they take my place?? Never!! I am not gonna let it happen! I am gonna be with Mahi all the time...".... Shekhar thought as the selections were gonna announced..

unfortunately he didn't get selected... there were rumours that Rohit Sharma was gonna get dropped due to his performance in ODIs and someone else will get the chance be it batter or bowler... but captain MS Dhoni thought something else.. he had proposed the idea of Rohit as an opener which will showcase his real talent...

Shekhar was fuming with anger... but he thought to let it go...

When Mahi came to Ranchi in 2014.. he was constantly busy on phone with his "Cheeku"... talking to him as softly as he can.. he didn't know why but he sure knew how Virat performed in England tour and how chances of him getting dropped were very high...

But again MS Dhoni had decided to give Virat one more chance in the next tour which was in Australia... not only that he was also being considered as the future test captain of India.. which irked Shekhar to the core...

Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma were the reason he didn't get into the team and their closeness with Mahi..

"What??? That's why... you... are... planning... revenge... on... all... three... of us..."

Rohit said being tired and exhausted due to the pain of his wounds.. Shekhar was narrating him how he was related to this whole thing...

"Okay.. you were not my target for a long time. It was only MS and Virat as you got only one chance but Virat he had been getting too many favours from MS which he didn't deserve. Then Virat being Virat he got proofs against me and got a upper hand on me which I can't tolerate. So I planned to torture you because you are the weakness of both of them.. Virat and MS!! Specially Virat because I know how sensitive he is when it comes to you and MS.. he can't think straight and will definitely fall into my trap seeing ur wounded face and body!! He will be here soon!!"

Shekhar said evilly.. while rohit was tensed and worried about what Vi was gonna do now as he had seen him like this.. he just hoped he doesn't do anything stupidity to get himself in trouble... oh god for once give him some brain please!!!


Here on the other side Virat was rooted in his place not able to think anything.. his hands were shivering.. no no Rohit is there.. I can't fall weak now.. I have to save him.. yes!! I have to!

Thinking all this Virat ran to his car and started driving to that location without informing anyone.. not even Mahi bhai.. because he could not risk Mahi now as Rohit was there already! He wanted Virat so he was gonna get him and Shekhar will leave Rohit once Virat is there...

Little did Virat know that he wanted revenge on both of them...

Virat reached the place but before getting out he called Robert...

"Robert do one thing... it's very urgent!!"
(Plan is silent .. hehe)

Virat reached the place.. it was very isolated! He got down his car and entered the room which was pitch dark. He saw Rohit tied to the chair.. he rushed to him but before he could untie him or say something.. his head was hit by something and he fell unconscious..

After sometime Virat gained consciousness but couldn't understand where he was. He could hear a voice calling him but it seemed so far..

"Vi..." Rohit called him seeing him tied on the chair as him.. "when did this idiot come here and why? Oh god what an impulsive best friend u have given me.."

Rohit saw Virat holding his head totally out of it.. he was not even aware of his surroundings where he was... he tried to call him but it just seemed that it was not reaching him... Rohit was so scared now because he knew that if they get out of here his wounds were treatable but seeing Virat he didn't know how serious his head wound was...

"Finally you both are here... my two years of hard work to take revenge on Mahi using you both is successful... now it's time to lure your Mahi bhai here.."

And that worked listening to Mahi name... Virat opened his eyes but everything was so fuzzy to him... Rohit saw that and called him...

"Vi u okay.... Can you hear me?? Vi !!!"

"Ro... bhai.."

Virat said weakly having so much pain in his head that he could hardly understand anything...

"Your bhai will come running to you Virat.. just wait.."

Shekhar said taking out the knife and holding it on Virat's chin to make him look up..

"Don't hurt him please... u have already hurt me and his head too.. please don't do anything else please..."

Rohit pleaded as he saw Virat was not at all responding to anything... he was so scared now if anything else happens...

"This is nothing Rohit... the Pain which you and him have give me.. that was far more worse!! U took away my friend from me.. my brother!! My dream, my chance to be with Mahi and play with him. Be with my only friend again!! But no due to you both i could not do that.. you know for making him my friend I did so many things.. because he was so kind and caring.. I thought he will be same with me despite me being involved in other activities..for gaining his trust I ignited that fire and jumped in that save Mahi... but after wards you both took my place... first you and then this Virat.. "his Cheeku!"... I had become invisible for Mahi... but not anymore..."

Saying this he pierced that knife into Virat's side of the stomach.. to which he hissed...

"Virattt... don't do this Shekhar pls"

Rohit pleaded seeing that blood...


Hearing that voice Shekhar and Rohit's attention turned towards the entrance...

Finally Mahi was here!!!!

Hi here is the next chapter and it's crap I guess!! Sorry for that!! But I am really busy.. so could manage something like this only.. happy reading... do tell me dropping ur comments and in-line reactions how is it.. really crap or was it okay!!!

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