First Encounter

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Walking through the crowd of people at the high school party, he noticed his brother being pinned against the wall by someone.

Felix quickly walked over.

"Hey! What are you doing to my brother? He's 15!" felix yelled, a few people look back.

The mysterious guy turns around in shock.

"15?! What the fuck? You didn't tell me you were underage!" said the guy while looking at Jeongin.

Jeongin stayed silent, he knew the guy was over 20 but he didn't care, he was just mad at his older brother for ruining his chance of potentially getting a boyfriend.

The older guy started to walk away, but he was stopped by a small hand holding his shoulder.

"aye mate, think you can walk away just like that?" felix asked with an annoyed tone.

"his name is Chris by the way" Said a tall black haired male that just joined the scene going on. The tall male looked at Chris with a dissatisfied stare and left, taking the older with him.

Felix furrowed his eyebrows at Jeongin, literally what was he thinking? Wonder what could've happened if he hadn't stepped in. After all there was nothing he could've done as a Omega with a small frame, picking a fight would be no good, but he's willing to do it for his younger brother. Although there's something else he's thinking about at this moment, the tall alpha male with black hair that walked away just a few seconds ago. He couldn't believe that someone like him would be friends with such an asshole like Chris, at least that's what he assumed Chris was like based on the situation from before.

It was Monday, Felix and jeongin were just on their way from school, but he couldn't believe what he was seeing...
"Are those the two guys from last weekend?" felix asked, hoping to hear that it's not them and he's just seeing things.

"oh yeah i think so." jeongin answered carelessly

Great, just great.

Not only were they going the same direction as them, but they went to same building. Finding out they all probably had the same hobby, dancing.

Felix took out his keys to open their dance room, hearing a door unlock he realised that Chris and the handsome tall man- i - mean what.. Anyway they had their dance room right beside them. He was hoping they wouldn't bump into eachother much because the energy was bitter. 

Felix heard loud breathing from the dancing room beside them ,until he realised that it was a song. The lyrics were something like "the moment when i close my eyes all i see is red lights" needless to say the song was really catchy and he mumbled the lyrics multiple times during dance practice

While jeongin was still packing up, felix was on his way to the elevator, when his vision started to blur and eventually went all black.

Thank god that someone was near and quickly ran over.

"uhm, is he okay? What happened?" the tall male asked, he was clearly concerned for the younger.

"oh he just faints after he practices too much it has happened before, thank you for catching him uh-"

"the name is hyunjin"

"thank you hyunjin"

Jeongin wanted to take his brother back so he could carry him home, but hyunjin insisted that he can do it.
Hyunjin couldn't explain it but holding the blonde was comforting to him.

After that they all stopped at a nearby park, Chris and jeongin went out to eat, leaving hyunjin with felix sitting on a bench. Felix was laying comfortably hyunjins firm and warm body, he released some pheromones that smelled sweet as honey. Hyunjin decided he would wait until the younger woke up.

Felix's eyes fluttered open about 20 minutes later. 'I haven't had such a good sleep in a while' he thought as he looked around.

"oh finally you're awake"

Felix was startled by hyunjin.

"oh, did i faint?" felix looked away in embarrassment, he couldn't look at the alphas face after realising he was cuddling him in his sleep.

"yeah but it's okay, don't worry i wasn't bothered at all" deep down hyunjin wished that the moment could've lasted longer.

"well thank you for staying here with me"

"no problem haha"

Shit, it was awkward.

They both tried to have a simple conversation to stop the awkwardness. And while doing that, they learned a lot about eachother.

Felix finally found out what was the alphas name, hyunjin. They both had passion for music and dancing. They also shared a similar sense of humour and overall they clicked very well.

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