My Alpha

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Where was i supposed to go now? The first place where my mind lingered was hyunjins place, but that meant I'd have to tell him the truth. It's not like i have another choice...and with that i began walking to his house.


"felix, what are you doing here?" hyunjin asked. He stood at his door that was fully open, but not allowing me in yet.

"can i just come in?"

"i thought you hated me based off the way you've been acting, and not only me but my friends too, what did jisung do to make you hate him?" hyunjin was probably still pissed by what he saw in the locker room.

"im sorry, if you love him so much why don't you go off to date him instead?!" my mouth said before i could stop it.

"what are you talking about? You know i love you, right? And i would never trade you for anybody. I feel that something has been bothering you and you've been taking it out on other people. Im not mad at you, I just want the old felix back, the one who wasn't aggressive all the time and the one who wasn't avoiding me and my friends at all costs, is that too much to ask?"
Hyunjin seemed genuinely concerned about me. I don't deserve him.
I threw myself at him, tears spilling down my face once again.
He took me in and closed the door. I sat on his bed and looked at the floor, i felt terrible after he made me realise how I've been acting.

"So.. Care to explain what happened?" He finally sat down beside me.

"I'm sorry... It's just been too much for me, feeling so sick everyday, my grades are now worse than ever.I disappointed my parents and they kicked me out..."
I was still looking at the floor, i couldn't look him in the eyes.

"wait, what was the last part?... They kicked you out because you couldn't meet their stupid high expectations?!" hyunjin was now clearly angry by what i said.

"w-well they didn't kick me out because of that-"

"then why did they do it? Because i can't think of a single reason why someone would kick out their teenage son."

"actually i-it's" i was stuttering way too much but hyunjin was patiently waiting for my answer.

"baby, i just want you to know that whatever is the reason, im gonna help you get through it, even if you killed a person i don't care, im here for you"
He said and held my shaking hands.

"I-I'm pregnant"

He just looked at me with a blank face.

I buried my face in my hands as i cried out, he hugged me tight like the first time we were together.
He wiped my tears and held my face in his hands.

"I'm so happy" he said as a tear rolled down his cheek.

He kissed my forehead and held me once again.

Like that i fell asleep, in his arms. I felt safe, he is my alpha after all.


Hyunjins POV

When i woke up Felix was still asleep, i couldn't help but admire the tiny freckles on his face. One could say that all the stars he has in his eyes couldn't fit in there, so they spilled all across his cheeks and nose.

I got out of the bed as quietly as i could so i wouldn't wake up felix. I wanted to surprise him with breakfast in bed, although I'm not that good at cooking i decided I'd give my best.

After i was done I went back to my bedroom with a tray full of food to see felix already sitting on my bed.

"Good morning" he said smiling at me.

"Good morning sunshine, did you sleep well?" i asked as i placed the tray in front of him.

"I always sleep well when I'm with you. This looks delicious, but why is there waffles and pancakes? Isn't it too much?"

"although we've been together for a while, i forgot to ask you the Important question, are you more of a waffle or pancake guy? So just in case i made both. And it isn't too much, you're eating for two now, remember?"

"yeah i remember, sometimes i wish I could forget about it... But i am more of a waffle guy" i chuckled.

We ate the breakfast together, after that felix decided to tell me everything that happened before, from the pregnancy test, to the abortion centre and so on. I couldn't believe he had to go through all that alone. I knew this wasn't an excuse for him acting the way he did, but i don't blame him anymore.


Felix POV

The next day we decided to go back to school, I've made the decision to tell the others about my pregnancy.

"nervous?" hyunjin asked while holding my way through the hallway.

"just a little bit, im worried about their reaction"

"I'm 100% sure that they will be excited" hyunjin reassured me

When the whole friend group was gathered, even jeongin was there, i decided to tell the big news.

"ahem- I actually wanted to tell you all something..." i said.

They went quiet.

"it's that...uhm- I'm pregnant"

"what?!" changbin said

"Ha! Told you so!" jisung yelled

Changbin took out 50 dollars out of his pocket and gave them to Jisung.

Seungmin and lee know just looked at eachother cluelessly but congratulated us.

Chan hugged me.

And Jeongin just stood there, he knew all along.

Of course none of them asked who the father was since the relationship between me and hyunjin was pretty obvious.

I was grateful to have all this support. It finally felt like i could do it.

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