Didn't Go As Planned

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Felix POV

The next day I woke up and sprinted to the bathroom because of my morning sickness like i always do. I got ready and went to school, not knowing how to face hyunjin after finding out that I'm pregnant.

Usually seeing his face always cheered me up, but this time i wished he would vanish and i wouldn't have to communicate with him at all.

"good morning lix! Did you go to the doctor like i told you to?" he asked me in front of most of his friends.

"why does he need to go to the doctor? Is he not feeling well?" jisung asked cluelessly. Following that were multiple questions about if im okay from the others.

"yeah, everything's fine don't worry" after saying that i got some looks that clearly stated that they don't agree, but i just quickly walked to my next class, accidentally bumping into hyunjin and chan because they were in my way.


I avoided hyunjin and his friend group at all costs. During the day i paid no attention to the teachers or anybody else since i was lost in thoughts wondering what would be the right thing to do.

I finally thought of the perfect plan on how to make sure nobody ever found out.

Right at the end of my last class i packed my things and ran out of the door. Even though i tried to be unnoticed by anyone i know, jisung stopped me..

"felix, you know you can tell me anything right?"

"there's nothing to tell! What don't you understand?!" i snapped at jisung, why couldn't everybody just mind their own business? I turned around to exit the locker room, only to see hyunjin observing the scene in front of him. He looked at jisung with Remorse in his eyes. I stormed out of there angrily. When i looked back i saw hyunjin comforting stunned jisung. I had my hands in fists, me and hyunjin weren't official anyway.


Felix had found a nearby abortion clinic on google, his plan was to never tell anyone, get an abortion and live happily ever after.

As I entered the building I started feeling uneasy.

"hello, may I speak to a doctor?" I asked the receptionist.

"Good evening, yes you can, what is your full name?" she said as she took out a notebook.

"uhm- it's Lee Felix"

"alright felix, just give me your signature over here and the doctor will call your name in a second, you can wait over there"

After I gave her my signature I sat on the seats across from her, It felt like she was judging me and so were the other people in there.

After about 20 minutes of waiting I finally heard my name.

The doctor was a sweet looking lady in her forties.

"how can i help you dear?" she asked, her voice oddly calming

"c-could i get an abortion? As soon as possible?"

"well first I'll need to ask you a few questions" she said as she patted the seat beside her, telling me to sit.

"are you under the age of 16?"

"no, im 17"

"how long have you been pregnant for?"

"i-im not sure"

"well that's something very important, please lay over there and I'll give you a ultrasound"

I rolled my shirt up so she could spread some gel substance on my stomach.

When i saw the fetus on the monitor for the first time, i couldn't help but feel bad for wanting to get rid of it, but i knew i had to.

After observing it she had wiped off the gel and i was standing in front of her waiting for a response.

"im sorry dear but i can't help you"

"w-what!? Why?" i was in shock.

"its been 18 weeks since you got pregnant and because you're so young having an abortion this late in a pregnancy is life threatening, and because i am a doctor i can't allow you to risk your own life"

It was starting to get hard to breathe. I was having a panic attack.

"don't worry dear, you're not alone...you will definitely make it through just fine"
She tries to calm me down but i wasn't even listening, the only thing on my mind was that i didn't know how to tell my parents or hyunjin.


When i finally calmed down i left the clinic. I really wanted some space right now so i was happy to get home and go in my room.

I opened the door only to see my whole family in the kitchen, my mother was crying and Jeongin was trying to calm her down.

"oh so here he is! The little whore." i couldn't comprehend what my father just said.

"honey don't call him that! " my mother said through the sobs.

"why shouldn't I? First he's sneaking out, then he doesn't care about school and now he's whoring around and getting pregnant!" he spat, that was when i noticed that the pregnancy test witch was in my drawer, was on the table.

I had no energy after what happened during the day. I just silently looked at them.

" See? He can't deny it." i have never wanted to punch my father it the face more than now.

"Felix you have to get an abortion..." my mother said, she couldn't even look me in the eyes.

"i can't..." i muttered under my breath.

"what did you say?" jeongin finally spoke.

"I said i can't! It's too much of a risk! If i could I'd do it right now!" that was the first time i screamed at my parents.

"GET OUT!" my father pointed at the front door.

"im so-sorry i- i didn't"


"honey you can't do that to him!" my mother wanted to stop him.

I just looked at them... emotionless...
Then i got out of the house...
And slammed the fucking door shut as hard as i could.

Authors note:
Ok so as a 13yo who knows nothing about pregnancy, let's just say that it makes total sense. Also let's ignore the fact that his mother just touched a plastic stick that had been pissed on.
Thanks for reading and you can comment what i can do to improve this story.

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