A New Opportunity

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After struggling with depression for months I've decided to let go of the past, Hyunjin, Chan and others helped me to live life fully again.

I heard the front door to our apartment open.
"ohh, it smells nice in here. Are you cooking something lix?" hyunjin said when he walked in.

"yes, I'm making brownies!" I found out that i really liked baking, when i wasn't able to leave the house or do anything i found a cupcake recipe on YouTube, decided to give it a try and from then on i baked almost everyday.

"Did you also clean the whole house? What happened to you all of a sudden?" He looked in inside our bedroom, seeing the clean floor and ironed clothes placed on the neatly made bed.
Hyunjin walked up behind me and held my waist. I placed the tray with freshly baked brownies aside carefully and turned around to face him.

"Felix, im so proud of you for getting better." Hyunjin moved the hair from my face behind my ear, picked me up and sat me on the kitchen counter. He smiled as he looked into my eyes.

"i wouldn't be able to do it without you jinnie.." although this was a sweet moment, the sexual tension between us was immeasurable. He was so close that i felt his hot breath on me.

I slowly closed my eyes and kissed hyunjin, it was a sweet long kiss filled with emotion. After that we somehow ended up in our bedroom. Hyunjin taking off my clothes and caressing my exposed body. He made sure to take care of me, preparing me and going slowly. This was not our usual type of sex, but it felt good.


I woke up to hyunjin getting ready for work, he even worked on Saturday to make sure we had enough money, of course i told him that I'd get a job but he insisted that i don't need to and that i should focus on school.

"Good morning lixie, i have something for you." he placed 500$ on the table beside our bed.
"Go treat yourself today, buy something nice ok?" he smiled and left the room.

"hyunjin it's too much i can't just spend money like that!" i quickly spoke.

"Baby im sure there's something you want, when i come home it better not be here anymore." and with that he left our apartment.

I definitely felt guilty about spending his hard earned money, but on the other hand i knew that he was going to feel bad if i didn't use it.

Deciding to make both of our lives easier, i went to my closet to pick out my outfit so i could go to the mall.
I wore a pair of oversized grey cargo pants and a black tight crop top that was tied with a lace, exposing my whole back adding a few accessories and it was perfect.
I got prepared for all the judging looks i was going to get today and walked out of the door.


As i was looking through the different shades of Chanel lipsticks a hand tapped my shoulder, making me jump a litte. I was expecting to see a weird old man trying to hit on me but instead when i turned around i saw a pretty girl smiling at me.

"Hi! I just wanted to say i love your outfit!" She said when i turned around.

"um thanks" i smiled back at her awkwardly, i didn't usually get compliments from strangers so i didn't know how to react.

"Oh, im Nayeon by the way. My boss is looking for new male models and i think that you would fit perfectly." she spoke excitingly

"im sorry but i don't have any experience in modelling-"

"that ok! you don't need to have any experience, do you maybe want to take a look at the company? Its not too far away and im on a break right now and if you have time i can show you" she pointed to a building that was right outside the mall.

"o-okay, but are you sure that im good enough to be a model?" i didn't understand why a beautiful girl like her would think that i could be a model.

"oh my God! Is that even a question? You're skinny, pretty and have those cute freckles, please stop with that nonsense and let's go!" she took my hand and quickly walked to the company.

When we got there she introduced me to the girls she worked with.

"Hello everybody! Look who i brought!" she announced.

"Omo! He's so handsome! Im Jihyo, nice to meet you!"

I got a few more 'wows' and 'omgs' from the other girls, Sana, Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung and Momo. The others were apparently in the middle of a shoot right now. I was still red as a tomato from all the compliments i got.

She took me to an office with the name
J. Y. Park on the door. I was getting more nervous every second. The door opened and there was an odd looking man, he was surprisingly nice, telling me that i was in fact good enough to model for their company. He did pinpoint some unnecessary things he didn't like about me, but he was very particular when choosing his models so it was understandable.

"If you fill out this paperwork you are officially a model for our company. We will call you as soon as we get a schedule for you." He said as he placed a paper and a pen in front of me. I thought for a moment before giving my signature and filing it out. After that me and nayeon left his office to go see the other girls, basically she showed me around the building and how everything works.

"oh look the one they're photographing right now is Dahyun" nayeon whispered to not disturb the photographer or model.
There were also two more girls we talked to while they were on their break, Tzuyu and Mina.
I already liked my new job.

Authors note:
I decided to include more idols in the story so i hope you like twice :D if felix wasn't an idol he would definitely be a model!

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