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After I became a model my whole life turned around. I gained a lot of popularity and started modelling for well known brands. Although me and hyunjin didn't have to worry about money or our future anymore, being on the covers of magazines wasn't so easy as you'd think. Paparazzi wouldn't leave me alone and exposed my relationship with hyunjin which we wanted to keep a secret.

I got a call, it was from an unknown number, i hesitated but picked it up.

"hi honey , I'm sorry i know we've been rough on you in the past but I'd like to apologise and maybe you could come back home!" it was my mother, her voice was disgustingly sweet.

"now that I'm rich and living a happy life you'd like me back? Absolutely not, I don't want you to call me ever again, if you do i will call the police and tell them what you did." I quickly hung up the phone and blocked her number. I was wondering where she got the fucking audacity to contact me after all that time.

I went over to hyunjin so i could calm down after the conversation with my mother. I was surprised to see him painting.

"who were you talking to lix? I heard you  yelling at the phone." hyunjin turned around to face me instead of the painting

"it was my mother, she called me 3 years after kicking me out. I don't even know where she got my new number." i slightly pouted my lips to show my dissatisfaction.

"come here" hyunjin tapped his hand on his thigh. I sat down on his lap.
"i know you're angry at her and you have all the right to, but don't make her your enemy, you never know what threat she has against you and with your dad it could be even worse, so just try to ignore her felix" what hyunjin said made sense, i couldn't be sure in what way she'd try to ruin my career.


Today i had a runway show, the stylists had me wear a long skirt wit high heels and a revealing almost translucent top. When the make-up artist finished my make-up the show was about to start.

As i stepped on the runway, there was one familiar face, it was the face of my mother. For some reason she was right in the front row and i had no idea how she managed to get there. I decided to ignore her when i rememberd what hyunjin told me.

"Felix, please forgive me! I swear im going to be a better mother!" she yelled when my steps reached the end of the runway, people started whispering but i was pretending not to know her.

I felt something grab my leg harshly and i tripped. When i turned to see what it was it was my mother on her knees not letting go of me. I quickly kicked her off and ran away. I felt humiliated, what would the media say? I got changed backstage and went home.

"lixie can you come take a look at this?" hyunjin said as the first thing when i arrived home.
"are these messages from your mother?"
He showed me his phone and it was blowing up with many messages.

'you will pay for pretending not to know me felix!'
'how could you do this to your mother!'
'a son like you was never good enough anyway!!!'

I read through her messages and blocked her, hopefully she wouldn't find another way to contact me, after that I explained to hyunjin what happened on the runway show.


"lix, wake up baby, you're all over the news." hyunjin woke me up

"what do you mean?" i went up to see what hyunjin meant. When i looked at the television i was sunned to see that my mother was speaking to a interviewer.

Interviewer : "The model Lee felix has gotten pregnant at 17 and then got an abortion, is that right?"

Mrs. Lee : "yes unfortunately it is true, i tried to stop him and help him with the baby but he insisted, he then left the house and never came back..."

"w-what is she saying?!" i yelled at the screen.

I knew that Korea was strict against abortions because the people were too conservative, when my mother said that she knew exactly what she was doing.
I quickly pulled out my phone to see the comments under my social media posts.

User1430: i never thought felix would do something like that

The.lix.fan: i really loved him but now that i see how he treated his mother i can't support him anymore

Hyunlix_forever: something about this situation doesn't feel right

After that even the people i knew left me messages.

Jisun_gie: hey lix, um i saw your mom on tv, I'm not sure what's true but i know you're not a bad person and don't worry im always on your side!

I stared at the phone as tears swelled in my eyes. So many of my fans were hating on me because of this lie and my mother acting like the victim.

"don't worry lix, we're gonna sort this out ok?" hyunjin held me close and rubbed my back.

"I'm going to make that bitch pay." my tears stopped and i quickly got ready to go to the police station.

When i exited the apartment multiple paparazzi and interviewers were in my way, taking pictures and asking questions about my mother. Hyunjin was trying his best to keep them away from me.

"Mr. Lee is it true that you killed your child and abandoned your mother?" one of the Interviewers said louder than the others, is this what people think of me now?

Hyunjin and I safely arrived at the police station, i hurried to tell the cops the truth, i should've done that a long time ago.

Authors note:
Soo this fanfiction is coming to an end, the next chapter is going to be the last one :( but I'll definitely make more stories so don't worry!
Thanks for reading!

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