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Felix POV

I snuggled to the warm body close to me, sadly all that relaxation vanished when i realised i was butt-naked in hyunjins car with his release still dripping out of me. I couldn't recall most of last night.

"oh fuck"  i mumbled when i looked at my phone and it was 5am on a Monday morning.

"Hyunjin! Wake up! We have school today!"

"shh lix, just go back to sleep, do you really think you're in the state to be walking around school and paying attention? One day won't hurt you. " he said still half asleep.

Now that i think about it, he's right. I've had a perfect attendance the whole year, missing one day is okay.


After he made me breakfast at his apartment he drove me back home. It was about 1pm.

As soon as i stepped on the front porch there was jeongin waiting for me.

"where were you all day?" he asked while raising his eyebrows suspiciously

"i don't have to tell you, your not my dad." i spat

"oh but I am, and you better tell me young man." my dad was standing at the door. Based off the way he was standing with his arms crossed over his chest and a serious facial expression, i was in trouble.

We sat at the living room table, just me and my parents, they told jeongin to stay inside his room.

"w-well i was at school but i felt i came home early" my own body was betraying me, i couldn't stop shaking.

"oh we know you're lying" my mother said and my heart dropped. "the school called us that you aren't there, and Innie said you weren't in your room at 6:00 am when he went to wake you up"

"i-i swear that i wasn't doing anything bad, i was just out with friends" i was hoping that if i admitted with this they wouldn't question any further.

"i really don't like this behaviour, sneaking out, skipping school... Can't you be more like Jeongin? He's never done anything bad, you should learn from him!" my dad raised his voice, tears were beginning to form in my eyes again. I was furious, i ran to my room. I really wanted to slam the door shut, but my mother didn't raise me that way. I didn't want to become the problem child and I'd try my hardest to meet my parents expectations.


Hyunjins POV

Felix started acting strange the following weeks, he started skipping his morning classes even though having a perfect attendance and good grades was his only priority for years.

"Yongbok-ah, what's up with you these days? Huh?" I nudged him, he was falling asleep in class again

"honestly hyunjin, i have no idea" he said as he started getting emotional in the middle of class, i quickly calmed him down so he wouldn't cause a scene.

'This isn't like him at all' i thought.

There was also a noticeable increase in his appetite, which i was happy about because he usually ate very little and his body was incredibly thin. I still couldn't come to the conclusion of what made him change like this.

I knew these times were hard for him, so i thought inviting him over for the weekend might help him relax. He immediately agreed and called his mother that he will be staying at my house.

Of course i wanted to make him 'feel good' since we were alone at my house, but he said that he didn't feel like doing 'it' so we watched movies, baked and did everything else that lixie desired, i have to admit it was fun.


The next morning i was woken up by felix running out of the bed and aiming straight to the bathroom.

I got out of bed to go check on him.

"everything okay in there?" i asked, but before i could get an answer I heard felix abruptly vomiting.

"y-yeah im alright" he said with a quiet voice.

I quickly opened the door as he emptied his stomach into the toilet again and rubbed circles on his back.

"no you're not, you better go to a doctor or I'll make you"  i said with a bit of a harsh tone, but i couldn't stand seeing him get sick everyday.


Felix POV

I decided to google my symptoms to see if  i had any idea of what could it be before going to the doctor.

"i-i.. No-there's no way it could be.." i stared at the mobile screen in disbelief. It's Google, it always gives you the worst diagnose, right?

It was about 10pm when i quickly got out of my house, only carrying a wallet and my phone.

I entered the store going straight to one isle... The one that contained pregnancy tests. I was looking at it, there's no way im pregnant right? Im just buying this to confirm the fact that i am NOT pregnant.

I slowly went over to the cashier, i didn't think about that...the cashier knew me since i was a kid and she was good friends with my mom. Im just hoping she doesn't recognise me, i haven't been there for a while anyway. I covered my face with my hood to make sure she doesn't see it and slowly placed it on the counter.

"do you need anything else?" she asked as she looked at me up and down. "oh felix honey is that you? You've grown up so much"

In that moment i wanted to disappear.

"haha yeah, I'm sorry I'd like to catch up with you but I'm in a hurry" i said, my voice cracked a bit because of the nervousness.

"that's alright honey, i see you've finally got a girlfriend, buy these instead next time" she said with a wink as she pointed at the condoms on the shelf beside her.

I couldn't bring myself to say anything so i just walked away, shoving the pregnancy test in my pocket.


When i got back i quickly took off my shoes and went to the bathroom to confirm my expectations.

I read through the instructions and followed them. Fuck why am i so nervous, i know im not pregnant...

As i was waiting for the single line to appear.



Please be one.


I quickly read through the instructions again and again to confirm my result.

I felt my heart beating faster every second, my hands were shaking as tears were dripping down my face.

"this has to be wrong.." i said quietly to myself.

I found another test in the box, there's nothing to loose if i use it. I threw the old one into a trash can and repeated the steps on the second one.

While waiting for the result sitting on the bathroom floor i heard someone stomping up the stairs.

"Felix, please come out of the bathroom right now. We need to talk."

It was my mother, i hid the used pregnancy test in my pocket, made sure i didn't look as if i just had a mental breakdown and unlocked the door.

"hey um, my friend called me that you were at the store... Buying a pregnancy test, what did you need it for?" she started speaking in a calm but serious tone.

"s-she must've mistaken me for someone else, i wasn't even at the store." i tried my best to hide the fact that i was about to cry again because of how scared i was.

"oh, okay" she just replied casually

I went to my room laid on my bed, feeling relieved that she believed me. I looked at the second test and to my surprise... It was two lines, again.

I hid it in my drawer and buried my face in my hands... Slowly falling asleep while crying.

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