Kids Shouldn't Drink

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Felix and Hyunjin haven't seen eachother for a week since the incident at the bar. Felix often had nightmares and stayed up all night, wishing that Hyunjin was there with him and hugged him tightly to calm down.
This was one of the nights, Felix couldn't take it anymore, so he decides to go out and clear his head, he had to sneak out of course, his parents wouldn't let their child who recently turned 17 to wander around the city at 3:00am.

Felix POV
I climbed down the balcony in my room, while doing that my hand slipped and i fell. It didn't hurt much, i was just worried my parents were going to wake up and scold me, so i ran away from the house fast.

As i was running in the pitch dark night, i ran into something.. Somebody?

"oh my god im so sorry!" i said, as i was helping them get up from the ground.



"what are you doing here alone at 3am? Don't you know its dangerous? And what happened to your hand? Are you ok?" He drowned me with questions.

"relax, everything is alright, i just fell (in love with you) and scratched my hand" i said as i hid the injury under my baggy sleeves.

"well there's a convenience store nearby, let's go bandage it up." he said and took my not injured hand to walk me there.


When he finished taking care of my wound. He asked once again "you never told my why you're out at this time"

"i just wanted to clear my head from everything, life's been tough" i said to him with a sigh. "and you?"

"same here." he paused for a second "you know what we need? Just give me a second."

I looked at him confused as he went back to the store.

He came back with a plastic bag that contained a few bottles of alcohol and a pack of cigarettes.

"there you go" he said as he handed me a bottle of soju. "but don't tell anybody that  i gave it to you" he just lighted himself a cigarette.

"b-but I've never had alcohol before"

"so you don't want it?" he went to take back the bottle from me.

"no, I'll try it" i quickly opened it and drank a few sips. I scrunched my nose. It was bitter and i didn't really like the taste.

"cute" hyunjin chuckled.

After i  drank a bottle of soju i was already feeling tipsy. Im not sure if it was because of the alcohol but i suddenly wanted to tell him about everything.

"you know jinnie, i really hate my brother" i couldn't control myself, i never talk about my feelings, but it felt like hyunjin wouldn't judge me.

"and why is that? Your brother seems really sweet" he still seemed sober despite having already drank 2 bottles.

"he is, its just that he's too perfect. My parents love him more and always tell me to be more like him- cute, innocent, good grades and a beta, my parents were always disappointed in me being an omega... I can't take it anymore, because i can't get mad at him, he's too nice for me to get mad at him, and its not even his fault that im such a failure." my eyes started to water.

"come here lixie, you're definitely not a failure. You're the cutest and smartest person i know, its not your fault that you are you and if your parents can't see your worth, just try to ignore it and live your life, focus on what you love and not their mean comments about you" he was hugging me tightly again, i missed this feeling. A few tears fell from my eyes on his chest, 'im such a crybaby' i thought to myself.

He held my face in his big warm hands and looked me in the eyes. I sniffed, smelling the cigarettes he's been smoking. I hated the smell, but it didn't bother me this time.

"you wanna try one?" he asked with a smirk.

"yeah" i took one from the box and placed it between my lips. Hyunjin moved closer to my face and lighted the cigarette.
I looked him in the eyes as i took a deep breath in, then carelessly turned to the side and breathed out the smoke.

Hyunjin was about to devour me. That's what his eyes said, like the alpha took over him. He was starting his rut.
The omega in me was ready to be devoured.
We were both releasing pheromones, my mind was somewhere else, i couldn't think straight.

Hyunjin took the cigarette from my lips and replaced it with his lips, he took the lead. No I've never kissed someone before, but it was just natural, like i knew what i was doing. Our tongues were in sync, he stood up and picked me up, letting me wrap my legs around him while kissing my neck. In that position he walked to his car that was in the nearby empty parking lot.
I could feel myself getting wet for him elven though we've only been making out.
He unlocked the car and i thought he was about to take me back home. Needless to say i was wrong.

cringe smut ahead⚠️

"you wanna do this right?" he asked as he opened the back door of his car for me.

"y-yeah" I didn't really know what he meant but i got in, the seats in his car were reclined for some reason. He entered the car right after me and locked it.
He began undressing and that was when i realised what was happening, did i really want to loose my virginity to a guy i knew for a month? But before i got to answer the question- i was already pinned down by shirtless hyunjin. His strong pheromones made me feel like i was in heat, and my body answered the question for me.

"focus on me baby." hyunjin said as he bit my neck, leaving marks. He helped me take off my clothes and once he unbuckled his belt he thrusted his above average member in me.

"ahhhmm please, be gentle jinnie" i almost cried out.

"sorry lixie, i can't control myself around you" he said as he kissed my body

Hyunjin went on for multiple rounds, i begged him to continue and go harder each time. I could feel the whole car shaking with his rhythm.

I felt myself almost passing out, that didn't stop me from wanting more But this time it was different, i felt him swell up inside me.

"i love you Felix" he said as he released inside me. He gave me a kiss on the forehead after pulling out.

Before i could say anything my body gave up and i passed out.

Authors note:
Im so sorry you had to read that-
i don't really know much about omegaverse so let's just say it all makes sense.

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