Everything Passes

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Today the police arrested my mother. I provided them with evidence of how my parents treated me and kicked me out. I found out that my father died a year ago because of his alcohol addiction, after that my mother went insane. She got 10 years in prison not just because of what she's done to me, but to my brother also.

Jeongin wasn't allowed to leave her house, she was worried that he'd leave and she was going to be alone. Jeongin tried calling for help but his phone was taken away, she also threatened him in other ways if he ever tried to leave.

I felt terrible for leaving jeongin there, i never knew something like that could happen.
He was now 18 and after they rescued him from our mother he went to live with Chan.


"I'm so happy all of this is over now, I've been so stressed these days.. " i said and sat on our couch

"how about we go hang out with the boys? Just to catch up, have fun and they will be delighted to see you." hyunjin suggested

"sounds good, I'll call changbin since his house is the largest." i picked up my phone and dialed his number.
Changbin agreed and we arranged it for tonight.

In a few hours i went to get ready, i wore a pleated skirt with a tucked oversized t-shirt and some high socks. I didn't bother to put on any makeup since they always told me that i look better with a bare face anyway. I moved the now longer blonde hair from my face behind my ears, i never styled it when i went to meet them because they always gave me head pats and ruffled my hair when they saw me, at first i found it annoying but nowadays i miss it. Hyunjin was also ready so we left the house.

It was 7pm when we got there, changbin opened the door, looks like everybody was already there.

"Welcome in! Took you long enough!" he greeted us and we went to the living room where everyone else was sitting.

Jisung immediately stood up and ran to hug me. "Felix! I was so worried about you! Your mom is a real bitch!" he said dramatically and everyone laughed.
Lee know who was right beside jisung ruffled my hair, as i said before, he always does.

I noticed Jeongin leaning on chan while they were sitting on the couch. I didn't really care about their relationship, i was just happy that Jeongin found his safe space.

We were all catching up on eachothers lives. Apparently seungmin and changbin started dating, we weren't really surprised because changbin was always showing off in front of the younger, but turns out Seungmin was actually the one who asked changbin if he wanted to be his boyfriend.

Everything was like the old times, we talked and laughed, but i felt uneasy.
It felt like...i was in heat? I must've forgotten to take my suppressants under all that stress.

"guys, im just gonna go to the bathroom" i said and weakly stumbled to the bathroom. I sat there on the cold floor when the door slowly opened.

"hey are you alri- ugh....fuck are you in heat?" it was hyunjin, he could smell my strong pheromones all over the place.
"do you want me to help you?" he asked, smirking at me.

"b-but there's people downstairs.." i stuttered.

"well then you're gonna have to be quiet." he said and took me to a guest room.

He threw me on the bed and aggressively kissed me until i was out of breath. He helped me take off my shirt and then took off his own.

"ah- hyunjin s-stop" hyunjin was pinching my nipple, it was a new feeling but it wasn't unpleasant.

"don't you like it? Look how sensitive you are." he was lightly biting and licking it.

He took off his pants, i was about to take off my skirt but he stopped me.

"keep the skirt on baby." he then took off only my underwear. "look at you, so wet for me..."

"hyunjin p-please put i-it in" i was already desperate.

"call me hyung"

"please h-hyung" i said quietly

"i can't hear you lix" he said, his member was already touching my entrance, he was teasing me.

"please put it in me hyung!" i said loudly, forgetting that we aren't alone in this house, but i didn't care i just wanted him in me.

"as you wish baby" he thruster his member right in me without any preparation.

"ahh~ mmh" i felt tears of pleasure in my eyes.

"shh lix, don't forget you have to be quiet" hyunjin said as he slammed inside me, the noise of skin slapping echoing through the room.

"h-hyung im gonna-" before i finished what i was saying i came all over my chest. I felt hyunjin fill me up right after.

I was laying on the guest bed without any energy, hyunjin took some towels from the cabinet and cleaned me up. After that i fell asleep.


In the morning i slowly went down the stairs to drink some water, my back still hurt from last night. I was surprised to see everybody was already up having their breakfast. All their eyes were on me.

"good morning" I filled my glass with water in the awkward silence.

"why does hyunjin want you to call him hyung while having sex?" jisung asked.

I spat out my water. "What!?"

"You weren't being exactly quiet last night..." chan said.

I could feel myself myself blushing. I can't believe that they heard all of that.

"good morning guys, what are you talking about?" hyunjin just arrived from upstairs, probably still half asleep.

"about how you blew out your boyfriends back last night" said seungmin.

Hyunjin just looked at me, he laughed because he saw me covering my face from how embarrassed i was.

"i hope you at least cleaned the room!" changbin yelled at us. Everyone started laughing.


It's been 5 years since that day. I found out i got pregnant that night, now we have a cute baby boy named Minjae.

I stopped modeling to be more with my family, hyunjin became a famous artist, people are paying thousands for his paintings, he even made me a separate collection with just paintings of me, but he said he'd never sell those.
After we got married we moved to a bigger house in a small village. I have never felt happier than now with hyunjinne and Minnie.

Jisung, Chan and changbin kept making music all those years and recently got popular, also Minho proposed to jisung.

Seungmin and Changbin broke up a few times during the 5 years but realised that they can't live without eachother so now they're travelling the world together.

Chan and Jeongin are still living together, they admitted they're in a relationship and they got a puppy, jeongin keeps trying to tell me that it's the same as us having a baby. I don't know how to tell him that babies and puppies are not the same!

Our friend group is still constantly meeting, everyone has their ups and downs but eventually everything passes.

Authors note:
I can't believe i just finished writing my first fanfiction! I hope you enjoyed reading it even with my amateur writing skills lol
Thank you for your support and for reading this fanfic!

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